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  • 如果您收到类似邮件,立即致电相关消费者或捐款热缐(但不要致电邮件里提供的电话号码),然后确认收到的邮件是否合法。
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  • 使用最新版本的防毒软件——包括防火墙以及「反钓鱼」软体。这都有助于隔离网站和邮件中的潜在「钓鱼」行为。


如发现任何虚假网站或电邮,或对任何声称由本会发出的邮件/电邮有怀疑,请致电2833 6139或电邮至[email protected]通知本会职员或作出查证,以确安全。



以下是一些真实的骗局案例,这些电子邮件並非由联合国儿童基金会发出或授权发出。如果您收到以下的邮件,切勿回覆,以免洩露个人资料,遭不法份子作非法用途。若对任何声称由本会发出的邮件/电邮有怀疑,请致电2833 6139或电邮至[email protected]通知本会职员或作出查证,以确安全。




在Facebook的虚假专页及捐款唿吁,包括Unicef AF、Unicef France等等
Self Photos / Files - unicef_facebook_fraud



The website of the ‘Amartya Sen Computer Literacy Programme’ claims that the programme is funded by UNICEF and that members of the Secretariat of the UNICEF Executive Board support the programme. Please note that UNICEF has no relationship with said programme, and quotations on the programme’s website, purporting to be from members of the Secretariat of the UNICEF Executive Board, are fabricated. Moreover, economist Amartya Sen and his education foundation, Pratichi Trust, have informed UNICEF that they have no relationship with the programme, either.


Ref 575061725Fin:
MX276Batch: 8056490902/156
Winning no: AF5431/LPRC




This is to inform you that you have been awarded the sum of $4,500,000 Four Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars in the 2009 United Nations Children Emergency Funds (UNICEF). UNICEF collects all the email addresses of the people that are active online. Six people were selected to benefit from this Financial Aid programme and you are one of the Beneficiaries.



PAYMENT AND CLAIM OF THE STATED SUM Beneficiaries shall be paid in accordance with the standing payment guidelines. UNICEF Aid fund must be claimed not later than 20 days from date of this Notification. Any Prize not claimed within this period will be returned to the Treasury of the UNICEF. The Information above falls within the UNITED kINGDOM Location file and you are requested to contact the claims department and send them your Fund Identification Numbers [FIN]; CONTACT INFORMATION FUND CLAIM DEPARTMENT UNICEF.








UNICEF ORGANISATION DONATION. Unicef Organisation Concern. The Unicef Orgnasation, Would like to notify you that you have been chosen by the board of trustees as one of the final recipients of a cash Grant/Donation for your own personal, educational, and business development. The Unicef Orgnasation was formed in 1947 after WWII to help children displaced by the war. It was then called the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund. The United Nations Organization (UNO) and the European Union (EU) was conceived with the objective of human growth, educational, and community development. To celebrate the 27th anniversary program, The Unicef Organisation is giving out a yearly donation of One Million Four Hundred and Seventy Thousand United States Dollars. These specific Donations/Grants will be awarded to 70 lucky international recipients worldwide; in different categories for their personal business development and enhancement of their educational plans. At least 17% of the awarded funds should be used by you to develop a part of your environment. This is a yearly program, which is a measure of universal development strategy. Based on the Continental selection exercise of internet,data base websites and millions of supermarket cash invoices worldwide, you were selected among the lucky recipients to receive the award sum of US$1,470,000.00 (One Million Four Hundred and Seventy Thousand United States Dollars) as charity donations/aid from the Unicef Orgnasation and the UNO in accordance with the enabling act of Parliament. (Note that all beneficiaries email addresses were selected randomly from Various internet Job websites or a shop’s cash invoice around your area in which you might have purchased something from). You are required to contact the Permanent Secetary below for qualification documentation and processing of your claims. After contacting our office, you will be given your pin number, which you will used in claiming the funds. Please endeavor to quote your Awarded pin numbers in all discussions. Permanent Secetary- Mr. Patrick Hayes Finally, all funds should be claimed by their respective beneficiaries, no later than14 days after notification. Failure to do so will mean cancellation of that beneficiary and its donation will then be reserved for next year’s recipients. On behalf of the Board kindly, accept our warmest congratulations.


Sir. williams Charlton (Online Coordinator)






We are giving hope to millions of children who are missing good health,food and education, who needs your help to survive. We believe that the survival, protection and development of children are universal development imperatives that are integral to human progress.


UNICEF depends entirely on voluntary contributions for all our works. You can make a difference for children by donation or purchasing UNICEF cards and gifts or voluntary service.



You can make financial or material donation to help children who need it most, no amount is too small.



Your purchase of our cards and gifts can help improve the lives of children.



You can serve as one of our agent in your state to receive material or financial donations made to Unicef by people within your region.


If you are willing to partner with us in this humanitarian programme, we will send you form which you will fill and return to us to enable us acredit you as our agent.


It might interest you to know that you will be paid for your humble service even though your service will not affect your present job in any way.


We will always send a notification email to you whenever there is a donation within your region. All you have to do is to check your email at the end of every day to know if there is any material or financial donation notification within your region.


And when there is donation, We will always furnish you with the information of our office or charity organisation where you will send the donation and how you will send it. You stand to benefit 10% of any financial donation you received on our behalf, and in case of a material donation, we will access the value of the material and also pay you 10% equivalent.


Due to our current program running in support of Refugees, Motherless babies and HIV/AIDS children in Africa, we have so many outstanding donors but few agents. So if you are willing to contribute to the work of humanity through this medium, kindly contact Mr. Collins Edmond


Yours sincerely,


Unicef Management






We have been waiting for you to contact us for your Confirm Bank Cheque of $800.000.00 United States Dollars from UNICEF WORLD AID GRANT, you are one of the lucky six chosen for this programme, We did not hear from you, We   went and deposit the Cheque with FED EX COURIER U.K.


What you have to do is to contact FED EX COURIER U.K as soon as possible to know when they will deliver the package to you because of the expiring date.


For your information, We have paid for the delivering Charges,Insurance premium and Clearance Certificate Fee of the Cheque.


The only charges you will send to the Courier Company to deliver your Bank Cheque direct to your Address in your country is the Security Keeping Fee and Administrative Charge of the Courier Company.


We would have paid for the Security Keeping fee and Administrative Charge  but they refused because they said they don’t know when you will contact them and in case of demurrage, you have to contact FED EX COURIER U.K for the delivery of your Draft.


All you have to do is to contact FED EX COURIER U.K with your identification for verification of the details there in their office.


Send them the following details and also call them for verification.


Names in full:


Residential Address:


Telephone number:



Below is Fed Ex Courier U.K Contact E-mail:




Finally make sure that you confirm your address and Direct telephone number to them again to avoid any mistake on the Delivery.


Contact Fed Ex Courier U.K with your Order Number as soon as you receive this e-mail to avoid any further delay and remember to pay them their Security Keeping fee and Administrative Charge for their immediate action.


You should also let us know via e-mail as soon as you receive your cheque.