
1/5 伊波拉患者为儿童


On 25 September, (centre) Ernest, 7, leans against a low wall in a village on the outskirts of the city of Kenema in Eastern Province. Several other children and a woman are around him. Many of the people in the village are affected by Ebola. “I’m bored because there is no more school,” Ernest said. “I really miss my English teacher, he was always making jokes. I hope this Ebola problem goes away soon so we can continue learning.” Kenema District is under quarantine. In an attempt to curb spread of the disease, almost half of Sierra Leone’s 6.34 million population is now under quarantine. Primary and secondary schools remain closed across the country because of the Ebola crisis. On 1 October 2014, Sierra Leone is among countries in West Africa affected by the worst outeak of Ebola virus disease (EVD) in history. As of 16 September, UNICEF estimates that 8.5 million children and young people under the age of 20 live in areas affected by EVD in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, countries where disease transmission is widespread and intense. Of these, 2.5 million are under the age of 5. Preliminary UNICEF estimates (as of 30 September) also indicate that at least 3,700 children in the three countries have lost one or both parents to EVD since the start of the outeak. By 1 October, 4,080 cases and 2,071 deaths had been confirmed in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. UNICEF remains at the forefront of efforts to respond to and help curtail the outeak, and is the lead agency for the United Nations on social mobilization in the Ebola response. In Sierra Leone – where 2,179 cases and 575 EVD deaths were confirmed by 1 October – UNICEF is supporting social mobilization efforts, including Ebola prevention messaging and outreach and the creation and distribution of awareness-raising materials. UNICEF assistance also includes psychosocial support for patients and their families, contact persons and community members affected by EVD; training for medical
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