



17 May 2018, Hwasan Ri, DPR Korea: For 9 years, Dr. Ri Chol Ok - pictured packing a UNICEF-supported household doctor bag - has been trekking door to door to ing health care to the homes of families in a remote area of DPR Korea. “I cover 122 households, and in a single day I visit 20 to 30 families,” she explains. It’s not an easy job, she says, but thanks to a new bag provided by UNICEF, her work has become a little easier. “The bag is full of essential medical equipment and medicines which we commonly use, like antibiotics and oral rehydration salts (ORS),” says Dr Ri while checking the blue rucksack in preparation for her home visits today. “Before, we mostly used herbal medicines – it’s much better now.” In rural areas like this, children can be particularly vulnerable to diseases and illnesses. Rates of malnutrition and other related problems tend to be higher in rural areas and this year alone six children have been identified in this village. “It’s important to treat children with diarrhoea quickly and this bag allows us to deliver care to children fast,” she says before heading off to begin her shift for the day. “Today I’m first visiting two homes to check on children who had diarrhoea,” she says. “They’ve been treated and should be ok now, but I just want to check their status.” Dr. Ri leaves the clinic and quickly marches down a hill in her boots. It’s a relatively small village of less than 4000 people dispersed across the countryside. The first stop is to the home of 1-and-a-half-year-old Ri Song. “She had diarrhoea for two days and it didn’t stop,” explains her mother while Dr Ri checks the baby’s health. “We were given ORS and zinc tablets and after two days she’s better again.” Globally, diarrhoea is the second leading cause of death for children under five. Without the quick response and right medication provided by Dr Ri Chol Oh, children like young Ri Song would be a great risk.



17 May 2018, Hwasan Ri, DPR Korea: For 9 years, Dr. Ri Chol Ok - pictured leaving her village clinic - has been trekking door to door to ing health care to the homes of families in a remote area of DPR Korea. “I cover 122 households, and in a single day I visit 20 to 30 families,” she explains. It’s not an easy job, she says, but thanks to a new bag provided by UNICEF, her work has become a little easier. “The bag is full of essential medical equipment and medicines which we commonly use, like antibiotics and oral rehydration salts (ORS),” says Dr Ri while checking the blue rucksack in preparation for her home visits today. “Before, we mostly used herbal medicines – it’s much better now.” In rural areas like this, children can be particularly vulnerable to diseases and illnesses. Rates of malnutrition and other related problems tend to be higher in rural areas and this year alone six children have been identified in this village. “It’s important to treat children with diarrhoea quickly and this bag allows us to deliver care to children fast,” she says before heading off to begin her shift for the day. “Today I’m first visiting two homes to check on children who had diarrhoea,” she says. “They’ve been treated and should be ok now, but I just want to check their status.” Dr. Ri leaves the clinic and quickly marches down a hill in her boots. It’s a relatively small village of less than 4000 people dispersed across the countryside. The first stop is to the home of 1-and-a-half-year-old Ri Song. “She had diarrhoea for two days and it didn’t stop,” explains her mother while Dr Ri checks the baby’s health. “We were given ORS and zinc tablets and after two days she’s better again.” Globally, diarrhoea is the second leading cause of death for children under five. Without the quick response and right medication provided by Dr Ri Chol Oh, children like young Ri Song would be a great risk. In addition to the bag

「快速地为患上腹泻的儿童进行治疗是十分重要的,而这个医药包正好能让我们及时为他们提供适切的护理。」她在准备出发换班前说道。 「今天,我首先要到访两户人家,为其患上腹泻的孩子覆诊。」她说:「他们已经得到治疗,现在应该大抵痊癒了,只是我仍想为他们的状况再作检查。」

17 May 2018, Hwasan Ri, DPR Korea: For 9 years, Dr. Ri Chol Ok - pictured packing a UNICEF-supported household doctor bag - has been trekking door to door to ing health care to the homes of families in a remote area of DPR Korea. “I cover 122 households, and in a single day I visit 20 to 30 families,” she explains. It’s not an easy job, she says, but thanks to a new bag provided by UNICEF, her work has become a little easier. “The bag is full of essential medical equipment and medicines which we commonly use, like antibiotics and oral rehydration salts (ORS),” says Dr Ri while checking the blue rucksack in preparation for her home visits today. “Before, we mostly used herbal medicines – it’s much better now.” In rural areas like this, children can be particularly vulnerable to diseases and illnesses. Rates of malnutrition and other related problems tend to be higher in rural areas and this year alone six children have been identified in this village. “It’s important to treat children with diarrhoea quickly and this bag allows us to deliver care to children fast,” she says before heading off to begin her shift for the day. “Today I’m first visiting two homes to check on children who had diarrhoea,” she says. “They’ve been treated and should be ok now, but I just want to check their status.” Dr. Ri leaves the clinic and quickly marches down a hill in her boots. It’s a relatively small village of less than 4000 people dispersed across the countryside. The first stop is to the home of 1-and-a-half-year-old Ri Song. “She had diarrhoea for two days and it didn’t stop,” explains her mother while Dr Ri checks the baby’s health. “We were given ORS and zinc tablets and after two days she’s better again.” Globally, diarrhoea is the second leading cause of death for children under five. Without the quick response and right medication provided by Dr Ri Chol Oh, children like young Ri Song would be a great risk. In



在全世界,腹泻是五岁以下儿童的二号杀手,同时,它与营养不良亦关係密切。 于2017年,北韩的医疗工作者便发现了100万宗五岁以下儿童腹泻的病例。假如沒有得到李医生的及时治疗,像李松这样的孩子随时生死堪虞。

除了这个医药包外,李医生还与另外2700名家庭医生一同接受了由 UNICEF 支持的相关培训。李医生续道:「现在,我更容易辨別出那些存在营养问题的儿童,並知道何时需要把他们送院治疗。」

17 May 2018, Hwasan Ri, DPR Korea: For 9 years, Dr. Ri Chol Ok - pictured visiting a family - has been trekking door to door to ing health care to the homes of families in a remote area of DPR Korea. “I cover 122 households, and in a single day I visit 20 to 30 families,” she explains. It’s not an easy job, she says, but thanks to a new bag provided by UNICEF, her work has become a little easier. “The bag is full of essential medical equipment and medicines which we commonly use, like antibiotics and oral rehydration salts (ORS),” says Dr Ri while checking the blue rucksack in preparation for her home visits today. “Before, we mostly used herbal medicines – it’s much better now.” In rural areas like this, children can be particularly vulnerable to diseases and illnesses. Rates of malnutrition and other related problems tend to be higher in rural areas and this year alone six children have been identified in this village. “It’s important to treat children with diarrhoea quickly and this bag allows us to deliver care to children fast,” she says before heading off to begin her shift for the day. “Today I’m first visiting two homes to check on children who had diarrhoea,” she says. “They’ve been treated and should be ok now, but I just want to check their status.” Dr. Ri leaves the clinic and quickly marches down a hill in her boots. It’s a relatively small village of less than 4000 people dispersed across the countryside. The first stop is to the home of 1-and-a-half-year-old Ri Song. “She had diarrhoea for two days and it didn’t stop,” explains her mother while Dr Ri checks the baby’s health. “We were given ORS and zinc tablets and after two days she’s better again.” Globally, diarrhoea is the second leading cause of death for children under five. Without the quick response and right medication provided by Dr Ri Chol Oh, children like young Ri Song would be a great risk. In addition to the bag, Dr. Ri

该培训还教会医生如何教导父母保障孩子的健康和安全。「在第一次检查后,李医生一直关心着李松的健康状况,而且在育儿方面也给了我非常实用的建议。」林云玉笑道。 完成检查后,李医生迅速收起背包,启程前往另一个家庭。同样地,这时也是为一名腹泻儿童进行检查。 「这份工作一点也不容易,但眼见他们获得治疗后,面上呈现的那份喜悦,均让我为自己从事这份工作而感到无比自豪。」李医生笑着说。



