


© UNICEF/UN06843/Sanadiki






所以今天,我们 — 人道主义组织和联合国机构领导人 — 不仅唿吁政府也唿吁大家 — 世界各地民众 — 声援敦促结束屠杀。敦促各方就停火与和平之道达成协议。







能够停止苦难的那些人可以 — 並因此应当 — 立即采取行动。在达成结束战争的外交解决方案前,这些行动应包括: - 让人道行动畅通无阻地持续进行,从而即时拯救叙利亚境内所有处于危难中的人; - 本着人道主义,暂停並无条件地监控停火,从而能够为平民提供食物和其他紧急援助、接种疫苗和提供其他医疗服务,以及让儿童能够重返校园; - 停止摧毁民用基本设施 — 让学校和医院及水源得以安全保存; - 让所有百姓自由行动,並立即解除每一方的全部围攻。




2016年1月21日 Sir Fazle Hasan Abed, Chairperson, BRAC, Bangladesh Zairulshahfuddin bin Zainal Abidin, Country Director, Islamic Relief Malaysia Ryoko Akamatsu, Chairperson, Japan Committee for UNICEF Anne-Birgitte Alectsen, CEO, Plan International Richard Allen, CEO, Mentor Initiative Dr. Haytham Alhamwi, Director, Rethink Rebuild Steen M. Andersen, Executive Director, Danish Committee for UNICEF Barry Andrews, CEO, GOAL Ireland Nancy A. Aossey, President and CEO, International Medical Corp Bernt G. Apeland, Executive Director, Norwegian Committee for UNICEF Dr. Mohamed Ashmawey, CEO, Islamic Relief Worldwide Elhadj As Sy, Secretary General, CEO, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Lina Sergie Attar, co-founder and CEO, Karam Foundation Carmelo Angulo Barturen, President, Spanish Committee for UNICEF Gudrun Berger, Executive Director, Austrian Committee for UNICEF Tomaž Bergoč, Executive Director, Slovenian Foundation for UNICEF David Bull, Executive Director, United Kingdom Committee for UNICEF Marie-Pierre Caley, CEO, ACTED Adriano Campolina, Chief Executive, Actionaid CARE Netherlands Tineke Ceelen, Director, Stichting Vluchteling, Netherlands Margaret Chan, Director-General, World Health Organization Jonny Cline, Executive Director, The Israeli Fund for UNICEF Sarah Costa, Executive Director, Women’s Refugee Commission Ertharin Cousin, Executive Director, World Food Programme Emese Danks, Executive Director, UNICEF Hungarian Committee Foundation Maryanne Diamond, Chair, International Disability Alliance Hisham Dirani, CEO, BINAA Organization for Development Edukans, Netherlands Jan Egeland, Secretary-General, Norwegian Refugee Council Patricia Erb, President and CEO, Save the Children Canada Sanem Bilgin Erkurt, Executive Director, Turkish National Committee for UNICEF Pierre Ferrari, President and CEO, Heifer International Amy Fong, Chief Executive, Save the Children Hong Kong Justin Forsyth, CEO, Save the Children UK Michel Gabaudan, President, Refugees International Meg Gardinier, Secretary General, ChildFund Alliance Global Call to Action against Poverty Mark Goldring, Chief Executive, Oxfam Great Britain Pavla Gomba, Executive Director, Czech Committee for UNICEF Filippo Grandi, UN High Commissioner for Refugees Madalena Grilo, Executive Director, Portuguese Committee for UNICEF Noreen Gumbo, Head of Humanitarian Programmes, Trócaire Handicap International, Belgium Abdullah Hanoun, CEO, Syrian Community of the South West UK Heather Hayden, Chief Executive Officer, Save the Children New Zealand Dr. Dirk Hegmanns, Regional Director Turkey/Syria/Iraq, Deutsche Welthungerhilfe Anne-Marie Helland, General Secretary, Norwegian Church Aid Anne Hery, Director for Advocacy and Institutional Relations, Handicap International International Organization for Migration, Netherlands W. Douglas Jackson, President and CEO, PROJECT C.U.R.E. Wolfgang Jamann, Secretary General, Care International Kevin Jenkins, President and CEO, World Vision International Bergsteinn Jónsson, Executive Director, Icelandic National Committee for UNICEF Benoit Van Keirsbilck, Director, DEI-Belgique Thomas G. Kemper, General Secretary, General Board of Global Ministries, United Methodist Church Neal Keny-Guyer, Chief Executive Officer, Mercy Corps Kerk in Actie, Netherlands Marja-Riitta Ketola, Executive Director, Finnish Committee for UNICEF Peter Klansoe, Regional Director, Danish Refugee Council, Middle East North Africa region Pim Kraan, Director, Save the Children Netherlands Marek Krupiński, Executive Director, Polish National Committee for UNICEF Dr. Hans Kuenzle, Chair, Swiss Committee for UNICEF Anthony Lake, Executive Director, UNICEF Jane Lau, Chief Executive, Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF Lavinia Limón, President and CEO, U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants Jonas Keiding Lindholm, CEO Save the Children Denmark Rosa G. Lizarde, Global Director, Feminist Task Force Olivier Longue, CEO, Accion Contra el Hame John Lyon, President, World Hope International Sébastien Lyon, Executive Director, French Committee for UNICEF Dominic MacSorley, Chief Executive Officer, Concern Worldwide Dirk Van Maele, Director, Plan België Cécil Van Maelsaeke, Director, Tearfund, Belgium Vivien Maidaborn, Executive Director, The New Zealand National Committee for UNICEF Blanca Palau Mallol, President, Andorran Committee for UNICEF Rev. John L. McCullough, President and CEO, Church World Service Carolyn Miles, President and CEO, Save the Children USA David Miliband, President and CEO, International Rescue Committee Mr. Juraj Mišura, President, Slovak Committee for UNICEF James Mitchum, Chief Executive Officer, Heart to Heart International David Morley, President and CEO, Canadian UNICEF Committee John Nduna, General Secretary, ACT Alliance Stephen O’Brien, UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Babatunde Osotimehin, Executive Director, United Nations Population Fund Ignacio Packer, Secretary-General, Terre des Hommes International Federation People in Need Dato Dr Ahmad Faizal Perdaus, President, Mercy Malaysia Plan, Norway Peter Power, Executive Director, UNICEF Ireland Sarina Prabasi, Chief Executive Officer, WaterAid America Chris Proulx, President and CEO, LINGOS, United States Dr. Jihad Qaddour, President, Syria Relief and Development Red Cross, Netherlands Curtis N. Rhodes Jr., International Director, Questscope Michel Roy, Secretary General, Caritas International Paolo Rozera, Executive Director, Italian Committee for UNICEF Dr. Tessie San Martin, President and CEO, Plan International USA Christian Schneider, Executive Director, German Committee for UNICEF Rev. Thomas H. Smolich, S.J. International Director, Jesuit Refugee Service Janti Soeripto, Interim CEO, Save the Children, International SOS Kinderdorpen, Netherlands Caryl M. Stern, President and CEO, United States Fund for UNICEF Marie Soueid, Policy Counsel, Center for Victims of Torture John Stewart, President, Australian Committee for UNICEF Limited Odd Swarting, Chair, Swedish Committee for UNICEF William L. Swing, Director General, International Organization for Migration Florence Syevuo, Global Call to Action against Poverty, Kenya Daigo Takagi, Association for Aid and Relief, Japan Tearfund, UK Terre des Hommes International Federation Constantine M. Triantafilou, Executive Director and CEO, International Orthodox Christian Charities Rev Dr Olav Fykse Tveit, General Secretary, World Council of Churches Monique van ‘t Hek, Director, Plan Nederland Dr. William Vendley, Secretary General, Religions for Peace Pierre Verbeeren, Director, Medecins du Monde, Belgium Damien Vincent, Executive Director, Belgium Committee for UNICEF Sandra Visscher, Executive Director, Luxembourg Committee for UNICEF Vrouwen tegen Uitzetting, Netherlands Tove Wang, CEO, Save the Children Norway David A. Weiss, President and CEO, Global Communities Kathrin Wieland, CEO, Save the Children Germany Jan Bouke Wijandi, Executive Director, Dutch Committee for UNICEF Nancy E. Wilson, President and Chief Executive Officer, Relief International Carolyn Woo, President and CEO, Catholic Relief Services Daniel Wordsworth, President and CEO, American Refugee Committee Samuel A. Worthington, CEO, InterAction Leila Zerrougui, UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict Mohammad Zia-ur-Rehman, Chief Executive, AwazCDS and Pakistan Development Alliance

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