
‘Believe in Zero - Cycling Safety Event’ draws warm response Hundreds of children in Hong Kong will be trained as safe cyclists by UNICEF HK Ambassador Wong Kam-po


HONG KONG, 12 April 2012 – Cycling is becoming popular in Hong Kong. However, the number of cycling accidents is also on the rise, and children and teenagers cycling in and out can be at particular risk. To support the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020 as proclaimed by United Nations General Assembly, the Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF (UNICEF HK) will organise the ‘Believe in Zero- Cycling Safety Event’ on 1 May, Labour Day. During the event, UNICEF HK Ambassador, World Cycling Champion Wong Kam-po will teach more than 500 participants and their relatives and friends to be a safe cyclist, with a view to fostering a culture of safe cycling, reducing children and teenagers’ risk of cycling accidents, while enhancing public awareness about children’s rights to survival and protection.
The event has received wide support from the school sector. Over 100 primary and secondary schools have already ordered the upcoming – Ah Po, Mcdull Cycling Safety Tips Book, joining hands with UNICEF HK to promote safe cycling practices. All information and education materials about cycling safety will be available for free download at our and-new ‘Believe in Zero’ website, which will be launched in May.

Road traffic injuries- “Top ten leading causes of death” As stated in UNICEF’s report The State of the World’s Children 2012 earlier this year, the World Health Organization estimates that road traffic injuries affect 50 million victims every year, which is the ninth leading cause of death. It is also the leading single cause of death worldwide among people aged 15-29 and the second leading cause of death for those aged 5-14. The fast pace of global urbanisation heavily increases the volume of road traffic. If nothing is done about road traffic injuries, it may further threaten the lives of people all around the world. The United Nations General Assembly thus proclaimed the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020, in an aim to arouse the attention of road safety.

Though deaths caused by cycling among children and teenagers are uncommon in Hong Kong, the number of injuries should not be underestimated. The Transport Department reports that the number of road accidents involving bicycles in 2011 increased from 2010 by 23 per cent – to 2,500 cases. Reported cases in 2010 affirm that over 37 per cent of the injured were children and young people aged 10 to 24, suggesting that the risk of children involved in cycling accidents is on the rise. It is, therefore, crucial to educate and promote safe cycling practices and awareness, particularly amongst young people.

Applicants exceed the quota by double

With the goal of ‘Zero’ Cycling Accidents in mind, UNICEF HK will join hands with Hong Kong School of Motoring to organise the ‘Believe in Zero – Cycling Safety Event’ at the Hong Kong School of Motoring Shatin Road Safety Centre on 1 May, welcoming all senior students from primary schools and secondary school students to participate. On the event day, UNICEF HK Ambassador and World Cycling Champion Wong Kam-po, together with 10 qualified trainers will give lessons in cycling skills such as proper ways to wear a cycle helmet, aking, riding up or down a slope, helping children and teenagers become safe cyclists.

Besides, there are a number of cycling safety checkpoints (for participant only), good performers who are recommended by trainers will have a chance to ride with our ambassador Wong Kam-po. As the number of applicants exceeds the quota nearly by double, participants are decided by lot. Eligible participants are listed out at www.ibelieveinzero.org.hk. All relatives or friends of participants are welcomed to visit our game booths at the venue.

Ah Po, Mcdull Cycling Safety Tips Book coming soon

UNICEF HK will launch the and-new ‘Believe in Zero” website in next month, enhancing the promotion of the “Zero Sufferings” of the children worldwide. Information and education materials about cycling safety such as, Believe in Zero - Cycling Safety Tips Book, animation and videos featuring Wong Kam-po will be uploaded to the website.

In the Cycling Safety Tips Book, lively cartoons featuring Wong Kam-po, Mcdull and its friends will illustrate the safe cycling practices. Over 60,000 copies have been ordered so far by more than 100 primary and secondary schools.

Details of the UNICEF ‘Believe in Zero – Cycling Safety Event’Date : 1 May 2012 Time : 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m Venue : Shatin Road Safety Centre, Hong Kong School of Motoring Target : Primary 4 to Form 7 Hong Kong students, and their relatives and friends List of shortlisted participant : www.ibelieveinzero.org.hk Enquiries : 2338 5151 / [email protected]
Acknowledgements (in alphabetical order): Chun Tian Hua Hua Foundation Limited, Hong Kong Cable Television Limited, Hong Kong School of Motoring Limited, Mingpao Newspaper Limited, RANKING SPORTS CO.,LTD, Ms Joyce Lai Oi-yan, Cycling Advisor

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