




「世上沒有任可单一的健康措施,能像母乳餵哺一样,可对母婴带来如此巨大的益处,而对政府所带来的经济负担却极轻微。」UNICEF副执行主任吉塔.饶.古普塔(Geeta Rao Gupta)续指,「母乳餵哺是婴儿的第一道疫苗,同时是史上最有效、最实惠的救星。」



Niger, November 2012. Haouaou Abdou, 52, mother of 6 children is smiling at her youngest son Issiakou, 8 months, in the village of Mazadou Abdou. By Jessica Mony In 2011, droughts across the Sahel plunged millions of families into a food crisis. A year after UNICEF and partners’ emergency response began, we ask ourselves how can we stop this vulnerability and persistent cycle of suffering? A poor, rural Nigerien village 600 people may hold the answer. Here, despite every family’s struggle during the drought, no child suffered malnutrition in 2012. Just three years ago it was rare for a week to go by without a child dying from combinations of malnutrition, diarrhoea and malaria in Mazadou Abdou village. During the frequent droughts, at times this would rise to two or three. No family was spared the pain of loss and mourning. Haouoau and Loli Abdou are just one set of parents that faced this tragedy. Loli holds up three fingers and lists that in 2000, 2002 and then again in 2004 they lost three children to malaria. Looking solemnly at their healthy 8 month baby boy Issiakou, it is clear the scars will likely never heal for this family. Sadly, their situation is not unique in this or any other village across the Sahel. Fortunately, in 2008 a simple UNICEF programme of family practices helped change all of this. The practices are simple and include exclusive eastfeeding for the first six months of life; complementary feeding for children after six months; proper hand-washing techniques; treatment of diarrhoea; knowledge of how to seek medical care; immunisation; using mosquito nets to prevent malaria; promotion of delayed pregnancies and girls education. The results of adhering to these practices for the children of Mazadou Abdou have been significant. Moutari Louali, a community volunteer who is helping to implement the programme explains the impact. “Before the programme started, around four to five children would die every month from malaria, diarrhoea and other diseases. Now, during the whole of this year only three children died, and this was because of miscarriages.” From the chief through to parents and children themselves, the whole village is determined that no child should die from preventable diseases. Haouaou is clearly proud of the result “In this village we didn’t have any malnutrition because we take care of our children. I am very happy about how healthy our children are.” At the heart of the programme are volunteers like Moutari who, along with two other volunteers selected by the community, ensure that every family implements the practices and monitors progress. Every week the group visit up to five families to run information sessions. Today, Moutari is visiting Hoauoau’s household. Starting with an update on the health of their children, Moutari then calls a mother and her child forward to demonstrate a particular practice. Today it’s the use of mosquito nets and hand washing. Everyone here comes to listen and learn. Haouaou points at two of her daughters who were born before and after the programme started and she learnt about the benefits of exclusive eastfeeding. “Look you can see this one is much stronger.” Whilst drought, hunger and vulnerability are an ongoing reality for these families, their efforts to implement the programme are the key to ensuring their children not only survive, but are resilient through times of drought and extreme hardship. Issa Iahim the 63 year old chief of Mazadou Abdou describes the precarious situation many families across the Sahel live in. “In this village our life is based around farming. The difficulty of this life is that if the rainy season doesn’t give a good harvest, life becomes extremely difficult for us.” For now the health of their children is safe, but the challenges ahead for the village are immense. A community run cereal bank will help tide them over for a while, but after this the only other option for many families is for husbands and fathers to head to Nigeria to search for work. Haouaou has thirty bowls of millet to feed her family until the harvest a year away. It will only last a month. She holds out the bowl and laughs nervously. “What can we do?” Whilst Mazadou Abdou’s families continue to walk a tightrope of vulnerability, their newfound knowledge will keep their children alive and healthy. It is not the whole solution, but it provides the hope of a future for their most precious resource, their children. The Chief is thankful for how far they have come. “We are very proud and happy for what we have done here. We thank God, we thank the people who taught us these practices”, but he is also conscious of the toll of chronic hunger on the future of this community; “If a man is hungry he cannot hear, he cannot learn anything.” The impact of the emergency response across the Sahel can be seen in the short term in the lives saved and the malnutrition prevented. For vulnerable families like Haouaou’s though, building resilience and food security will be key to long term change. This village has demonstrated the success of community driven initiatives to improve children’s health, but more support is needed to ensure communities across the Sahel are able to withstand crises. Haouaou tries not to think about what might happen a year from now; “Nobody can forsee the future. Even if we wait and hope for the best, anything can happen at any moment.” UK Natcom - for local copies of the files: Y:Key-initiativesIFSahel-Stories-2012Niger
Niger, November 2012. Haouaou Abdou, 52, mother of 6 children is carries her youngest son, is Issiakou, 8 months, in the village of Mazadou Abdou. By Jessica Mony In 2011, droughts across the Sahel plunged millions of families into a food crisis. A year after UNICEF and partners’ emergency response began, we ask ourselves how can we stop this vulnerability and persistent cycle of suffering? A poor, rural Nigerien village 600 people may hold the answer. Here, despite every family’s struggle during the drought, no child suffered malnutrition in 2012. Just three years ago it was rare for a week to go by without a child dying from combinations of malnutrition, diarrhoea and malaria in Mazadou Abdou village. During the frequent droughts, at times this would rise to two or three. No family was spared the pain of loss and mourning. Haouoau and Loli Abdou are just one set of parents that faced this tragedy. Loli holds up three fingers and lists that in 2000, 2002 and then again in 2004 they lost three children to malaria. Looking solemnly at their healthy 8 month baby boy Issiakou, it is clear the scars will likely never heal for this family. Sadly, their situation is not unique in this or any other village across the Sahel. Fortunately, in 2008 a simple UNICEF programme of family practices helped change all of this. The practices are simple and include exclusive eastfeeding for the first six months of life; complementary feeding for children after six months; proper hand-washing techniques; treatment of diarrhoea; knowledge of how to seek medical care; immunisation; using mosquito nets to prevent malaria; promotion of delayed pregnancies and girls education. The results of adhering to these practices for the children of Mazadou Abdou have been significant. Moutari Louali, a community volunteer who is helping to implement the programme explains the impact. “Before the programme started, around four to five children would die every month from malaria, diarrhoea and other diseases. Now, during the whole of this year only three children died, and this was because of miscarriages.” From the chief through to parents and children themselves, the whole village is determined that no child should die from preventable diseases. Haouaou is clearly proud of the result “In this village we didn’t have any malnutrition because we take care of our children. I am very happy about how healthy our children are.” At the heart of the programme are volunteers like Moutari who, along with two other volunteers selected by the community, ensure that every family implements the practices and monitors progress. Every week the group visit up to five families to run information sessions. Today, Moutari is visiting Hoauoau’s household. Starting with an update on the health of their children, Moutari then calls a mother and her child forward to demonstrate a particular practice. Today it’s the use of mosquito nets and hand washing. Everyone here comes to listen and learn. Haouaou points at two of her daughters who were born before and after the programme started and she learnt about the benefits of exclusive eastfeeding. “Look you can see this one is much stronger.” Whilst drought, hunger and vulnerability are an ongoing reality for these families, their efforts to implement the programme are the key to ensuring their children not only survive, but are resilient through times of drought and extreme hardship. Issa Iahim the 63 year old chief of Mazadou Abdou describes the precarious situation many families across the Sahel live in. “In this village our life is based around farming. The difficulty of this life is that if the rainy season doesn’t give a good harvest, life becomes extremely difficult for us.” For now the health of their children is safe, but the challenges ahead for the village are immense. A community run cereal bank will help tide them over for a while, but after this the only other option for many families is for husbands and fathers to head to Nigeria to search for work. Haouaou has thirty bowls of millet to feed her family until the harvest a year away. It will only last a month. She holds out the bowl and laughs nervously. “What can we do?” Whilst Mazadou Abdou’s families continue to walk a tightrope of vulnerability, their newfound knowledge will keep their children alive and healthy. It is not the whole solution, but it provides the hope of a future for their most precious resource, their children. The Chief is thankful for how far they have come. “We are very proud and happy for what we have done here. We thank God, we thank the people who taught us these practices”, but he is also conscious of the toll of chronic hunger on the future of this community; “If a man is hungry he cannot hear, he cannot learn anything.” The impact of the emergency response across the Sahel can be seen in the short term in the lives saved and the malnutrition prevented. For vulnerable families like Haouaou’s though, building resilience and food security will be key to long term change. This village has demonstrated the success of community driven initiatives to improve children’s health, but more support is needed to ensure communities across the Sahel are able to withstand crises. Haouaou tries not to think about what might happen a year from now; “Nobody can forsee the future. Even if we wait and hope for the best, anything can happen at any moment.” UK Natcom - for local copies of the files: Y:Key-initiativesIFSahel-Stories-2012Niger





On 13 March, Aissatou Soumaiga eastfeeds 8-month-old Amadou Harouna in the hospital in the conflict-affected city of Gao, capital of the north-eastern Gao Region. Amadou is being treated for severe malnutrition and resulting kwashiorkor, which is characterized by oedema and a loss of appetite. In mid-March 2013 in Mali, renewed insecurity in central and northern parts of the country continues to exacerbate existing humanitarian needs. An estimated 270,765 people are displaced, while 176,777 continue to seek refuge in neighbouring countries. Additionally, Mali remains one of eight countries in the Sahel region – also including Burkina Faso, Chad, Mauritania, Niger and the northern parts of Cameroon, Nigeria and Senegal – facing a severe food and nutrition crisis. The emergency is the result of repeated drought-related food shortages, from which people have had insufficient time to recover before being again affected. Conditions have improved since the height of the crisis in early 2012. Still, an estimated 10.3 million people throughout the Sahel remain food insecure. In Mali, the pairing of food shortages with conflict has left children increasingly vulnerable: 210,000 children under age 5 are at risk of severe acute malnutrition, and 450,000 are at risk of moderate acute malnutrition. Limited access to basic services, including water, sanitation and hygiene, is another key concern. Additionally, some 200,000 children from conflict-affected areas are at risk of injury or death due to explosive remnants of war. Despite the reopening of some schools, access to education remains severely constricted. To respond to these and other needs throughout the year, UNICEF, together with multiple humanitarian partners, including other United Nations agencies as well as NGOs, have called for over US$370 million in the 2013 Consolidated Appeal for Mali. (UNICEF’s portion of the Appeal is approximately US$84.7 million.) Only 15 per cent of the Appeal has been funded to date.

Social worker Oumarou Zeïnabou conducts an awareness session for women, many holding their infants on their laps, at the Zinder Maternity Centre for Integrated Health, in Zinder, capital of Zinder Region. Ms. Zeïnabou is holding an educational flipchart bearing illustrations of two women, one feeding and one eastfeeding her infant, as well as a variety of nutritious foods. The chart says, in French, “Your sick child should eat and eastfeed more than is typical in order to heal and avoid malnutrition.” In May 2013, Niger continues to host an estimated 50,000 Malian refugees – further constraining the country’s already limited resources. Both Niger and Mali are among nine countries in the Sahel region – also including Burkina Faso, Chad, the Gambia, Mauritania, Senegal, and the northern parts of Cameroon and Nigeria – facing a severe food and nutrition crisis. The emergency is the result of repeated drought-related food shortages. Though conditions have improved since the height of the crisis in early 2012, an estimated 3.1 million people in the Niger are affected by food insecurity, including over 376,700 children under age 5 suffering from severe acute malnutrition. In April, ongoing wet feeding activities benefitted 5,769 children aged 6 to 59 months in four refugee camps. UNICEF is also supporting programmes in education and child protection, including the provision of child-friendly spaces, in the camps. Initiatives to provide safe water and sanitation facilities to refugees are extending to some host communities, and responses to a recently declared cholera epidemic are also ongoing. To continue emergency responses throughout 2013, UNICEF requires nearly US$33.8 million, of which half remained unfunded by 22 May.





UNICEF提倡孕妇分娩后首6个月进行纯母乳餵哺,直至婴儿两岁或以上,並藉着创意以唤起大众的关注。UNICEF最近在乌拉圭和阿根廷倡议这项运动, 由乌拉圭女演员纳塔利娅(Natalia Oreiro)提倡「母乳餵哺是给自己最好的礼物」,以推动在职母亲餵哺母乳为目标。
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