
全球人类齐响应「全球洗手日」2011 「清洁双手,生命有救」


Children wave flags at the Global Handwashing Day in Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India. Tom Sampson/UNICEF Oct 09

各地将会举行连串精彩活动,庆祝今年10月15日的「全球洗手日」。教师、家长、演艺名人和政府官员等各界人士,将身体力行,鼓励大众勤洗手,共同抵预腹泻和急性唿吸道感染等威胁性命的疾病。Schoolboys wash thier hands at a ceremony to celerbate Global Handwashing Day. Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India. Tom Sampson/UNICEF Oct 09


Schoolboys wash thier hands at a ceremony to celerbate Global Handwashing Day. Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India. Tom Sampson/UNICEF Oct 09

UNICEF个人及环境衞生高级顾问Therese Dooley指:「即使在发展中国家,肥皂都並不短缺。」她续指:「绝大部份贫困家庭都有肥皂,只是他们多使用肥皂洗衣服或洗澡,而鲜有用肥皂洗手。」Dooley女士续指,UNICEF期望用肥皂洗手,可变成所有国家的社会文化。


(left to right) Mr. Carel de Rooy, UNICEF Representative, Bangladesh, Anwar Hossain Sikder, Acting Country Director, Plan Bangladesh, Md. Nuruzzaman, Chief Engineer, Department of Public Health Engineering, Jahangir Kabir Nanak, State Minister, MO Local Government, Rural development and Cooperatives, Mr. Monzur Hossain, Secretary Local Government division, and Col. Kamruzzaman Khan, Principal, Dhaka Residential Model College, begin the hand washing at the Dhaka Residential Model School and College field, Dhaka, Bangladesh on the occasion of Global Hand Washing Day 2010, on 20 October 2010. More than fifty thousand students from different educational institutions on Wednesday assembled at the Residential Model School and College in the city and pledged to wash their hands with soap as part of the observance of Global Hand washing Day 2010. Students from primary and secondary schools including madrasas took part in the one-day event to celeate the third Global Hand Washing Day. According to a report by UNICEF and WHO , Bangladesh is among the 10 countries in the world that report the largest number of child deaths due to diarrhea. A total of 50,800 children under the age of five years die every year in Bangladesh from diarrheal diseases. The death toll worldwide is 3.5 million. Research shows that washing hands with soap is a highly cost-effective health practice that can reduce the incidence of diarrheal disease by over 40 per cent. But, despite its life-saving potential, effective handwashing is seldom practiced as many people do not use soap and only wash one hand. Global Handwashing Day was launched in 2008 as a public-private partnership with Unilever, UNICEF and Governments as key players. The partnership is now endorsed by 13 international and national organizations. Although the world celeated the day on the 15th of October, Bangladesh is observing it on the 20th since the 15th was a public holiday.
Children from a various schools show their clean hands after washing them with soap at the Dhaka Residential Model School and College field, Dhaka, Bangladesh on the occasion of Global Hand Washing Day 2010, on 20 October 2010.More than fifty thousand students gathered at the Residential Model School and College and pledged to wash their hands with soap. By making the pledge, children are making a promise to themselves and their communities to always practice good hygiene and help to reduce the occurrence of diarrheal diseases. The children demonstrated hand washing with soap along with dignitaries including the State Minister of the Local Government Division, Jahangir Kabir Nanok, UNICEF Representative, Carel de Rooy, and other partners. According to a report by UNICEF and WHO , Bangladesh is among the 10 countries in the world that report the largest number of child deaths due to diarrhea. A total of 50,800 children under the age of five years die every year in Bangladesh from diarrheal diseases. The death toll worldwide is 3.5 million. Research shows that washing hands with soap is a highly cost-effective health practice that can reduce the incidence of diarrheal disease by over 40 per cent. But, despite its life-saving potential, effective handwashing is seldom practiced as many people do not use soap and only wash one hand. Global Handwashing Day was launched in 2008 as a public-private partnership with Unilever, UNICEF and Governments as key players. The partnership is now endorsed by 13 international and national organizations. Although the world celeated the day on the 15th of October, Bangladesh is observing it on the 20th since the 15th was a public holiday.

关于「全球洗手日」: 10月15日是「全球洗手日」,2008年由用肥皂洗手公私伙伴组织(Global Public-Private partnership for Handwashing with Soap)发起,並获得各地政府、国际组织、民间团体、非牟利机构、私人公司及公众的支持。详情请浏览:www.globalhandwashingday.org

