
风雨季将至 拯救尼泊尔儿童刻不容援 UNICEF派200职员深入灾区安排容身之所及提供食水


香港,2015年4月29日 ── 尼泊尔遭逢80年来最强地震至今第5日,联合国儿童基金会(UNICEF)及国际伙伴必需与时间竞赛,抢在6月中旬风季来临前,拯救脆弱的儿童及家庭 ──预计季候风势将令灾情更为恶劣。成千上万灾民持续多日在空地露宿,UNICEF派出200名职员深入灾区支援救援工作,我们将集中为灾民解决住宿、食水及个人衞生等公认最急切的问题。随着受灾人数与日俱增,我们亟需公众继续捐款支持。 On 28 April, children, some filling water bottles, get drinking water from workers in a truck, during a distribution in a camp for people displaced by the massive earthquake, in Kathmandu, the capital. On 28 April 2015 in Nepal, search, rescue and relief operations continue in the aftermath of the massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake that hit the country on 25 April. The quake’s epicentre was 80 kilometres from Kathmandu, the capital. At least 3,351 people have been killed, 6,833 have been injured, and 8 million people in 39 districts have been affected. The Government has declared a state of emergency in 35 affected districts in the country, where more than 1.3 million people – over half of whom are children – are affected by the disaster. Homes and vital infrastructure, including hospitals, have been severely damaged or destroyed, leaving thousands of children and families homeless, vulnerable and in urgent need of food, shelter, safe water and sanitation, and health support. Over 1.4 million people are in need of food assistance. Most of the displaced are sheltering in camps or in available open spaces. The situation has been exacerbated by continuing powerful aftershocks that have caused additional damage. Working with the Government and other partners, including fellow United Nations organizations, UNICEF is supporting water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), health, nutrition, child protection, education and other interventions. In response to the disaster, UNICEF is providing hospitals tents, tarpaulin sheeting, emergency medical kits, vaccines and related supplies, zinc and oral rehydration salts to prevent diarrhoeal disease outeaks, and temporary learning spaces and psychosocial counselling for children. UNICEF is also procuring emergency health kits and is supporting water trucking services in camps for the displaced.
© UNICEF/NYHQ2015-1055/Nybo
联合国儿童基金香港委员会(UNICEF HK)主席陈晴女士唿吁公众继续捐款,支援UNICEF在尼泊尔的紧急救援行动:「灾难发生至今5日,儿童一直在空地露宿。经歷过如斯大规模的地震后,儿童的焦虑及恐惧不断积压。这些心灵严重受创的孩子,现在急需一个安全的庇护所,让他们重建安全感。UNICEF HK至今已筹集到超过港币3百万善款支持是次赈灾行动,但我们仍需更多支援。请与UNICEF携手,保护受灾儿童!」


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Jamie Wong, Communication Specialist
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