
威廉王子伉俪到访联合国儿童基金会哥本哈根物流中心 唿吁全球关注活在险境的东非儿童



UNICEF全球物流中心的仓库面积相当于3个足球场,负责供应、包装及分发救援物资至全球各地,帮助有需要的儿童。当中包括食物、食水、治疗营养不良儿童的特別营养补给品、疫苗、教材及紧急医疗包。 The Duchess of Camidge (L) receives flowers from two local girls on her arrival at UNICEF's Supply Division, Copenhagen. 2. November 2011, UNICEF Supply Division, Copenhagen The Duke and Duchess of Camidge (William and Catherine) accompanied by the Crown Prince and Crown Princess of Denmark (Frederik and Mary) made a special visit to the UNICEF global supply centre in Copenhagen to help maintain the world’s attention on the humanitarian crisis in East Africa, which has left more than 320,000 children so severely malnourished that they are at imminent risk of death unless they get urgent help. UNICEF’s supply centre includes a warehouse the size of three football pitches where essential supplies for children around the globe are sourced, packed and distributed. These include food, water, special nutritional supplies for the most malnourished children, vaccines, education materials and emergency medical kits. Whilst at the supply centre both couples were iefed on the desperate situation in the region by UNICEF specialists. The royal couples then joined UNICEF warehouse staff on packing line, and helped to pack emergency health kits, ready to be sent to East Africa. Each kit will provide life-saving supplies to over 1000 people. The Duke and Duchess and the Crown Prince and Princess then toured the warehouse, seeing the huge variety of supplies that are sent to emergencies around the world, including ready-to-use therapeutic food for severely malnourished children under five years old and supplementary food to support-families, emergency health kits, vaccines and water supplies including water purification tablets. At the end of their visit the Duke of Camidge said “An incredible amount is being done. UNICEF is leading the way and doing a fantastic job, but sadly there’s lots more still to do, and that’s why we’re here today” To donate to UNICEF East Africa Appeal please visit www.eastafricacrisis.org
在当地下午2时半,UNICEF供应部主任Shanelle Hall女士亲自迎接甫抵位于哥本哈根自由港的UNICEF全球物流中心的威廉王子及凯瑟琳王妃。威廉公爵伉俪在丹麦皇室伉俪的陪同下,展开了歷时一整天 的考察。 Amanda Kofoed及Maryam Abdullah两名年仅10岁大的UNICEF员工子女,更双双向凯瑟琳王妃及丹麦王妃送上花束,以示欢迎。
UNICEF索马里营养专员Peter Hailey先生随即争取时间,向两对皇室伉俪讲解现时东非的严峻灾情。他坦言,现时在灾区有无数儿童及其家庭,不时徒步25天,方寻得一夕温饱等,情况实在苦不堪言。
The Duke of Camidge (R) helps UNICEF warehouse worker Peter Jones (L) to pack emergency health kits, ready to be sent to East Africa. 2. November 2011, UNICEF Supply Division, Copenhagen The Duke and Duchess of Camidge (William and Catherine) accompanied by the Crown Prince and Crown Princess of Denmark (Frederik and Mary) made a special visit to the UNICEF global supply centre in Copenhagen to help maintain the world’s attention on the humanitarian crisis in East Africa, which has left more than 320,000 children so severely malnourished that they are at imminent risk of death unless they get urgent help. UNICEF’s supply centre includes a warehouse the size of three football pitches where essential supplies for children around the globe are sourced, packed and distributed. These include food, water, special nutritional supplies for the most malnourished children, vaccines, education materials and emergency medical kits. Whilst at the supply centre both couples were iefed on the desperate situation in the region by UNICEF specialists. The royal couples then joined UNICEF warehouse staff on packing line, and helped to pack emergency health kits, ready to be sent to East Africa. Each kit will provide life-saving supplies to over 1000 people. The Duke and Duchess and the Crown Prince and Princess then toured the warehouse, seeing the huge variety of supplies that are sent to emergencies around the world, including ready-to-use therapeutic food for severely malnourished children under five years old and supplementary food to support-families, emergency health kits, vaccines and water supplies including water purification tablets. At the end of their visit the Duke of Camidge said “An incredible amount is being done. UNICEF is leading the way and doing a fantastic job, but sadly there’s lots more still to do, and that’s why we’re here today” To donate to UNICEF East Africa Appeal please visit www.eastafricacrisis.org
The Duke of Camidge (left), the Duchess of Camidge (middle left), The Crown Princess ( middle right) and The Crown Prince of Denmark (right) stand in front of boxes of lifesaving supplies at UNICEF Supply Division, Copenhagen. 2. November 2011, UNICEF Supply Division, Copenhagen The Duke and Duchess of Camidge (William and Catherine) accompanied by the Crown Prince and Crown Princess of Denmark (Frederik and Mary) made a special visit to the UNICEF global supply centre in Copenhagen to help maintain the world’s attention on the humanitarian crisis in East Africa, which has left more than 320,000 children so severely malnourished that they are at imminent risk of death unless they get urgent help. UNICEF’s supply centre includes a warehouse the size of three football pitches where essential supplies for children around the globe are sourced, packed and distributed. These include food, water, special nutritional supplies for the most malnourished children, vaccines, education materials and emergency medical kits. Whilst at the supply centre both couples were iefed on the desperate situation in the region by UNICEF specialists. The royal couples then joined UNICEF warehouse staff on packing line, and helped to pack emergency health kits, ready to be sent to East Africa. Each kit will provide life-saving supplies to over 1000 people. The Duke and Duchess and the Crown Prince and Princess then toured the warehouse, seeing the huge variety of supplies that are sent to emergencies around the world, including ready-to-use therapeutic food for severely malnourished children under five years old and supplementary food to support-families, emergency health kits, vaccines and water supplies including water purification tablets. At the end of their visit the Duke of Camidge said “An incredible amount is being done. UNICEF is leading the way and doing a fantastic job, but sadly there’s lots more still to do, and that’s why we’re here today” To donate to UNICEF East Africa Appeal please visit www.eastafricacrisis.org

The Duke of Camidge (right) handles a sachet of ready to use therapeutic peanut paste, used to treat children with severe acute malnutrition, whilst the Duchess of Camidge (left) listens to a UNICEF specialist. 2. November 2011, UNICEF Supply Division, Copenhagen The Duke and Duchess of Camidge (William and Catherine) accompanied by the Crown Prince and Crown Princess of Denmark (Frederik and Mary) made a special visit to the UNICEF global supply centre in Copenhagen to help maintain the world’s attention on the humanitarian crisis in East Africa, which has left more than 320,000 children so severely malnourished that they are at imminent risk of death unless they get urgent help. UNICEF’s supply centre includes a warehouse the size of three football pitches where essential supplies for children around the globe are sourced, packed and distributed. These include food, water, special nutritional supplies for the most malnourished children, vaccines, education materials and emergency medical kits. Whilst at the supply centre both couples were iefed on the desperate situation in the region by UNICEF specialists. The royal couples then joined UNICEF warehouse staff on packing line, and helped to pack emergency health kits, ready to be sent to East Africa. Each kit will provide life-saving supplies to over 1000 people. The Duke and Duchess and the Crown Prince and Princess then toured the warehouse, seeing the huge variety of supplies that are sent to emergencies around the world, including ready-to-use therapeutic food for severely malnourished children under five years old and supplementary food to support-families, emergency health kits, vaccines and water supplies including water purification tablets. At the end of their visit the Duke of Camidge said “An incredible amount is being done. UNICEF is leading the way and doing a fantastic job, but sadly there’s lots more still to do, and that’s why we’re here today” To donate to UNICEF East Africa Appeal please visit www.eastafricacrisis.org




自10月26日两对皇室伉俪宣佈造访UNICEF全球物流中心起,各界对是次赈灾捐款的唿吁反应非常热烈。供应部主任Shanelle Hall女士表示:「我们很高兴英国皇室、剑桥公爵威廉王子及公爵夫人凯瑟琳王妃,以及丹麦皇室伉俪来到视察全球物流中心,深入了解整个救援物资的运送流程与规模,以及体会这些物资对营养不良的儿童及其家庭是何等重要。他们此行已成功唤起全球各地对东非目前灾况的关注,帮助我们筹集得更多的物资,继续支援灾区的救援行动。」

• UNICEF为灾区内的高蛋白花生酱主要供应者,並与各合作伙伴确保物资成功送到待救儿童的手中。

• 由7至10月,位于哥本哈根的UNICEF全球物流中心已将逾24,396公吨救援物资送抵灾区。

• UNICEF亦透过补充餵饲中心治疗了108,000名严重营养不良的儿童,並为120万名儿童注射麻疹疫苗,及为220万人供应安全食水。请即支持东非救援行动,浏览:www.eastafricacrisis.org