


联合国儿童基金会(UNICEF)全球食水、环境及个人衞生项目负责人桑杰‧韦杰塞克若(Sanjay Wijesekera)说:「用肥皂洗手是预防常见伤风、流行性感冒以至其他传染病最便宜及最有效的『疫苗』。在塞拉利昂、利比里亚和几内亚前綫救援的工作人员,强调洗手对阻止伊波拉疫情蔓延是十分重要。洗手不是灵丹妙药,但是既廉价又易行的额外防护措施。」
Hans Hasan, a participant of the SWASH club; poses for a photograph while washing her hands at Kingugi School in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Wednesday, April 2, 2014. The WASH club teaches childrenthe importance of hand washing before eating and after visiting the toilet and encourages children to educate their families and peers of the imporance of having clean hands.
© UNICEF/UNI161918/Holt
On 3 Feuary, (foreground) Grade 2 student Venus Mueva, 8, washes her hands with soap and water at a new hand-washing facility after using the latrine, at Santo Niño Elementary School in the town of Tanauan – one of the areas hardest hit by Super Typhoon Haiyan – in Leyte Province, Eastern Visayas Region. Her school, which reopened on 8 January, was badly damaged by the storm. Classes are now being held in tents and makeshift or repaired classrooms. UNICEF has provided tents, educational supplies, latrines and hand-washing facilities at the school and is also supporting teacher training. Many of the students lost family members and other relatives during the disaster, and most have lost their homes and belongings. Venus’s 4-year-old sister, Viana, was swept away during the storm. Her home was also destroyed. She and her parents now live in a temporary shelter located just a few metres from the school. In early Feuary 2014 in the Philippines, Government-led relief operations continue following the destruction caused by Typhoon Haiyan, which hit the country on 8 November. The typhoon, known locally as Yolanda, was one of the strongest to ever to make landfall. More than 6,200 people have been killed in the disaster and 1,785 are missing. The storm also destroyed homes, schools, hospitals, roads, communications and other basic infrastructure, and damaged power and water supply systems. An estimated 14.1 million people, including more than 5.9 million children, have been affected; and, three months after the massive storm, 4.1 million people, including over 1.7 million children, remain displaced. Many of the displaced are still living in damaged or makeshift dwellings, temporary tents and evacuation centres. In response to the emergency, UNICEF has delivered 100 tons of relief supplies for typhoon-affected communities, including emergency health kits (each containing medicine, medical supplies and basic medical equipment to meet the needs of 10,000 displace
© UNICEF/NYHQ2014-0124/Pirozzi


### 关于全球洗手日: 10月15日是全球洗手日,由促进用肥皂洗手公私伙伴组织(PPPHW)在2008年发起,並获得世界各国政府、国际机构、民间社会组织,非政府组织、私营企业及个人支持。详情请浏览www.globalhandwashingday.org