
(只有英文)联合国儿童基金会与Lions Health健康传播创意节合作 募集青年创作者及市场策划人


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UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Shakira confirmed as guest juror


LONDON/NEW YORK/ HONG KONG, 11 March 2016 – Lions Health, the Festival and Awards that celeates life-changing creativity in healthcare communications, and UNICEF launch the 2016 Young Lions Health Award.

The competition, now in its second year, challenges young creatives and marketers to develop an integrated marketing toolkit that will raise awareness among caregivers about the importance of play in fostering children’s cognitive, social and emotional development in the critical first years of life. The ideas will be used as part of UNICEF’s overall communication outreach on Early Childhood Development.

Louise Benson, Festival Director, Lions Health, said, “We’re thrilled to be inging this award back for a second year. As well as driving young industry talent, our partnership with UNICEF will raise crucial awareness to help improve the wellbeing of young children across the world.”

Submissions, which must contain a digital activation, print ad and video, will be judged by a team of industry experts and special guests including UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Shakira; Alexandra von Plato, Group President, Publicis Healthcare Communications Group; and Josh Prince, President, The CDM Group.

UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Shakira said “Development in the early years of a child’s life can empower them to become creative, engaged, life-long learners, it can even shape their entire futures. I am excited to join this year’s Young Lions Health Award jury to help shine a spotlight on the importance of early childhood development.”

During the first years of life, in the right environment, a child’s ain has the potential to connect 1,000 ain cells every second. These connections serve as the building blocks of a child’s future, determining their health, learning ability, and emotional wellbeing.

”Together we are calling on young marketers from across the world to propose creative assets that will raise awareness of the importance of early nurturing care and protection for children’s development. It is a pleasure to work with Lions Health and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Shakira on this incredible initiative.” UNICEF Chief of Early Childhood Development Pia Britto, said.

The winner of the Young Lions Health Award will be invited to attend Lions Health on 18-19 June in Cannes, France, where they will receive their award during the official ceremony attended by close to 1,000 experts from the healthcare communications industry.

Communication and marketing professionals under the age of 30 are invited to submit their campaign concepts online at www.canneslions.com/lions_health.