
Olay! Olay! Olay! More reason to United for Children!


'United for UNICEF' is a partnership between Manchester United FC (MU) and UNICEF since 1999. It is the longest running partnership of a football club and global charity, and to date it has raised HK$35 million (£3 million) for UNICEF to help over 3.4 million children.

During Manchester United Asia Tour 2013 (Hong Kong Leg), Manchester United is kindly giving away tickets (Kitchee vs. Manchester United on 29 July 2013 and their training session on 28 July 2013) to the Top five fundraisers of UNICEF’s I Donate My Birthday from now to 24 July 2013.

All you need to do is sign-up for your personal fundraising page at I Donate My Birthday website and start raising funds for the children in need around the world.  If you already have your own personal fundraising page, start mobilizing your friends and family to support this meaningful activity!

For more information, please click here.