
(只有英文)联合国儿童基金会地区主任Geert Cappelaere就阿勒颇儿童的境况发表声明



AMMAN/HONG KONG, 13 December 2016,“As violence continues to escalate in Aleppo today, thousands of children are suffering in silence, and coming under utal attack as the world watches.

“It is time for the world to stand up for the children of Aleppo and ing their living nightmare to an end.

“According to alarming reports from a doctor in the city, many children, possibly more than 100, unaccompanied or separated from their families, are trapped in a building, under heavy attack in east Aleppo.

“We urge all parties to the conflict to allow the safe and immediate evacuation of all children. Unaccompanied and separated children have the right to be registered by a neutral humanitarian organisation and be reunified with their families - wherever they may be.

"UNICEF is deeply concerned by unverified reports of extra judicial killings of civilians including children and remind all parties of their responsibilities under international law.

“UNICEF calls on all warring parties to immediately reach a truce in Aleppo and allow humanitarian organisations to deliver urgent assistance to families and children in need wherever they are, and without conditions.

“Civilians who wish to leave east Aleppo must be allowed to do so in safety and in dignity.

“UNICEF’s team in Aleppo and stands ready to provide assistance, including facilitating the evacuation of children.

“The children of Aleppo are our responsibility and must be helped now. There are no more excuses.”
