
(只有英文)联合国儿童基金会地区主任Geert Cappelaere就儿童撤离阿勒颇东部孤儿院发表声明


© UNICEF/UN039551/Soulaiman


AMMAN/HONG KONG, 19 December 2016 – “This morning, all 47 children trapped in an orphanage in east Aleppo were evacuated to safety, with some in critical condition from injuries and dehydration.

“The evacuation of these orphans, along with thousands of other children from east Aleppo in the past days is a glimmer of hope amid a grim reality for the children of Syria. Their safe departure is a testimony to the relentless efforts of humanitarians on the ground, working around the clock for children and their families.

“UNICEF and partners are assisting in reunifying recently evacuated children with their families and in providing them with urgently needed medical care and winter clothes.

“Many vulnerable children – including other orphans and children separated from their families – still remain in east Aleppo and need immediate protection. UNICEF reminds all parties of their obligations under international humanitarian law to protect children, wherever they may be.

“The conflict in Syria is nearing its sixth year. It has uprooted millions, separated families and deprived children of the very basics for survival - and their childhood.

“We call on all parties to the conflict to strive for an immediate political solution to this war.  The lives of millions more children depend on it.”
