
Statement by UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake on the humanitarian pause in Aleppo, Syria


NEW YORK/HONG KONG, 26 August 2016 - “Today is another sad and dangerous day for the children in Syria, in particular those living in Aleppo.

“Every child there – everyone affected – needs an immediate pause to the fighting in Aleppo, and every second of every minute counts when it comes to protecting and saving the lives of children.

“UNICEF continues to be at the ready to provide urgently needed humanitarian assistance, including medicines, vaccines and nutritional supplements.

“And we are standing by to support the assessment and repair of vital electricity and water facilities to provide safe drinking water to people all over Aleppo.

“More than 100,000 children remain trapped in the eastern parts of the city since early July.

“Over 35,000 people have been displaced in the western parts of the city.

“The children of Aleppo must no longer live under constant fear of attack in what has become one of the most dangerous cities in the world.

“But until there is peace, there is a desperate need for the humanitarian pauses, ceasefires and constant access necessary to save lives and save hope.”

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