
南索马里粮食危机未除 饥荒地区增至6个 逾百万名儿童遭受营养不良及疾病双重夹击


On 16 August, Amina Ali carries her baby in Bouldougo, a slum area on the outskirts of Djibouti City, the capital. Ms. Ali, a widowed mother of four, is a Somali refugee whose family had been living in Ethiopia. After the last of her cattle died three months ago, she walked for eight days to reach Bouldougo. The area is missing even the most basic services. In Somali, Bouldougo means knocked out; some 400 families live in the area, including Somali refugees arriving from Somalia and Ethiopia. Ms. Ali now sells wood to support her family. I prefer to be here, she said. After my cattle in Ethiopia died, I have nothing to go back to. On 18 August 2011, the crisis in the Horn of Africa affecting primarily Kenya, Somalia, Ethiopia and Djibouti continues, with a worsening drought, rising food prices and ongoing conflict in Somalia. Some 12.4 million people require assistance due to the regions worst drought in 60 years. Djibouti is proportionally the second most affected country in the region; approximately 20 per cent of the population more than 165,000 people require assistance, including 80,000 living in drought-affected areas. The country is one of the most water-scarce in the world, with chronic water shortages, but the situation has worsened this year. Malnutrition has been at emergency levels since 2002, but has peaked in recent months; most recent estimates indicate one fifth of children are suffering from moderate or acute malnutrition, one third are underweight, and nearly half are stunted. Additionally, over 17,000 refugees most of them from Somalia have arrived in the Djiboutis Ali-Addeh camp, which normally has a capacity of 7,000. UNICEF is supplying water and therapeutic food in the camp, and is assisting the Government of Djibouti with aid logistics. Together with Governments, UN, NGO and community partners, UNICEF is also supporting a range of interventions and essential services throughout the region. A joint United Nations appeal for humanitarian assistance for the region requires US$2.4 billion; there remains a shortfall of US$1.1 billion.




