



"UNICEF is very excited to be able to give more children the chance to safely experience the thrill of the World Cup, whether they're sitting in the stadium or watching from their own villages," said Anthony Lake, UNICEF Executive Director from New York.

A programme called World Cup in My Village piloted in two African countries by UNICEF, the Children's Radio Foundation and other community partners. It will give young people who would otherwise not have the opportunity the chance to see World Cup football matches on large open-air screens and projectors. The special screens have been set-up in the Rubavu District in Rwanda, and in the town of Mongu and the UNHCR Refugee Camp of Mayukwayukwa in Zambia; places where there is no electricity or oadcast connection. In addition to the football, the screens will oadcast important information about children's health and their rights.

In the host country, a special partnership between UNICEF and the South African government will address potential problems that may arise due to the massive influx of people. In a country where 12 million children live in poverty, special attention is being given to unaccompanied minors, some of whom may be induced to travel to the cities where games are played in search of employment opportunities and adventure.

With hundreds of millions of people tuned into the competition and the celeations, the World Cup is a venue for many important messages about child rights for children and adults.

"The World Cup gives us a chance to focus positive public attention on the special risks children face in countries likeSouth Africa and around the world and the special efforts we can take to protect them from those threats," said Lake. "We can use the popularity of sport to promote children's rights and wellbeing around the world."

More Football Stories on Education and Advocacy of Child Rights:

「我是Ander Vasquez,来自洪都拉斯,今年十四岁。我和家人住在比亚努埃瓦(Villanueva),邻近以黑社会帮派闻名的德古斯加巴(Tegucigalpa)。自 从参加了『Football for Life』计画,我的生活得到很大的改变,『Football for Life』让我明白到足球能够改变儿童的一生。 我从这个计划中学会很多正确的价值观和道德观念,它不但教我们远离毒品、酒精饮品和黑社会帮派,还鼓励我们要好好上学。我现在比以前读书努力得多了,因为 要有好成绩才能继续参加『Football for Life』。参加这个计划之前,我和朋友们经常赤着脚在街上流连,但现在我们可以经常一起踢足球了!」  photo05
 photo02 「大多数参加『Football for Life』的儿童都住在比亚努埃瓦,自从计划开始后,整个社区都变得更美好。德古斯加巴(Tegucigalpa)曾经是洪都拉斯其中一个最危险的社区,但现在情况已有所改善,犯罪率也下降了。我的爸爸也认为运动给了我一个新目标。我想要一个健康的身体与心灵,远离毒品。