
UNICEF Charity Run 2012 Photo Contest & “3km Family Run – Believe in Zero AIDS” Photo Movement Result Announcement


Thanks for uploading the event photos and sharing the precious moment with us! After voting and selection, below are the winners.
“3km Family Run – Believe in Zero AIDS” Photo Movement

Winner -  Runner ID: F1792

UNICEF Charity Run Photo Contest

Champion - Runner ID:10011

1st Runner-up - Runner ID: 12405

2nd Runner-up - Runner ID: 22226

Winner of "3km Family Run - Believe in Zero AIDS”Photo Movement will be award 80,000 Asia Miles and winners of UNICEF Charity Run Photo Contest will be each awarded one Nikon digital camera. All winners will be contacted by the organizer for prize collection arrangement. Again, thanks for participating UNICEF Charity Run 2012 to run against HIV/AIDS!