
「非洲之角」大旱触发粮食危机 联合国儿童基金会极度忧虑当地儿童安危


A Somali boy waits to register for food and other aid in the Dagahaley refugee camp in North Eastern Province, near the Kenya-Somalia border. The camp is among three that comprise the Dadaab camps, located on the outskirts of the town of Dadaab in Garissa District. In early July 2011, Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia are the three Horn of Africa countries most affected by a deepening drought, rising food prices and the persistent conflict in Somalia. More than 10 million people, including in neighbouring Djibouti and Uganda, are now threatened by the worst drought in the region in 60 years. Somalia faces one of the most-severe food security crises in the world as it continues to endure an extended humanitarian emergency, with tens of thousands fleeing into Kenya and Ethiopia. More than 10,000 Somalis a week are now arriving in the Dadaab camps in eastern Kenya, where aid partners struggle to meet the needs of some 360,000 people, in facilities meant for 90,000. An estimated 480,000 severely malnourished children are at risk of dying in drought-affected areas of Kenya, Somalia, Ethiopia and Djibouti; while a further 1.6 million moderately malnourished children and the wider-affected population are at high risk of disease. In northern Kenya, more than 25 per cent of children suffer from global acute malnutrition in the Turkana district the rate is at 37.4 per cent, its highest ever. UNICEF, together with Governments, UN, NGO and community partners, is supporting a range of interventions and essential services, especially for the displaced and for refugees, including feeding programmes, immunization campaigns, health outreach, and access to safe water and to improve sanitation. An updated UNICEF Humanitarian Action Update is being issued to address scaled-up funding needs for the coming three months.
「非洲之角」长期受到侵扰,是次大旱灾的严峻程度更为60年一遇的,上千家庭正面临前所未见的生存威胁。而在灾难中,贫困和脆弱的儿童往往受害最深,目前当地约900万名急需人道救援的人口当中,就有近200万名为5岁以下儿童,当务之急是必须尽快解决营养不良的问题。据悉,肯尼亚北部的急性营养不良率已超越25%,图尔卡纳地区的更高达37.4%。 由于数以千计的受灾家庭,正由索马里边境逃往埃塞俄比亚的Dolo Ado及肯尼亚的达达阿比,两地的难民营目前都已不胜负荷,获难民营收容的灾民处境仍然非常恶劣。

Somali refugees wait to register for food and other aid in the Dagahaley refugee camp in North Eastern Province, near the Kenya-Somalia border. The camp is among three that comprise the Dadaab camps, located on the outskirts of the town of Dadaab in Garissa District. In early July 2011, Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia are the three Horn of Africa countries most affected by a deepening drought, rising food prices and the persistent conflict in Somalia. More than 10 million people, including in neighbouring Djibouti and Uganda, are now threatened by the worst drought in the region in 60 years. Somalia faces one of the most-severe food security crises in the world as it continues to endure an extended humanitarian emergency, with tens of thousands fleeing into Kenya and Ethiopia. More than 10,000 Somalis a week are now arriving in the Dadaab camps in eastern Kenya, where aid partners struggle to meet the needs of some 360,000 people, in facilities meant for 90,000. An estimated 480,000 severely malnourished children are at risk of dying in drought-affected areas of Kenya, Somalia, Ethiopia and Djibouti; while a further 1.6 million moderately malnourished children and the wider-affected population are at high risk of disease. In northern Kenya, more than 25 per cent of children suffer from global acute malnutrition in the Turkana district the rate is at 37.4 per cent, its highest ever. UNICEF, together with Governments, UN, NGO and community partners, is supporting a range of interventions and essential services, especially for the displaced and for refugees, including feeding programmes, immunization campaigns, health outreach, and access to safe water and to improve sanitation. An updated UNICEF Humanitarian Action Update is being issued to address scaled-up funding needs for the coming three months.
联合国儿童基金会与当地政府衞生部门、非牟利机构及社区组织将合作,集中 力量拯救中度及严重营养不良的儿童。另外,各个救援组织亦都作出了同类型的合作,为流离失所或身处难民营的灾民,提供最急切需要的儿童疫苗接种、健康外展 支援、安全食水及衞生改善等服务。然而,由于资金不足,以及部分地区拒绝接受外界援助,令上述救援行动的推展难上加难。