
联合国儿童基金会继续大规模人道救援工作 帮助叙利亚儿童



Iraq, May 2013. Two Syrian girls plays behind the tent in the Domiz refugee camp in Northern Iraq. The area is strewn with rubbish and often raw sewage but children have nowhere else to go to play. Domiz is situated near the city of Dohuk, about forty miles from the Syrian border. Approximately 40,000 Syrians are living here, in facilities provided for around half that number. April 2013 marked one year since Domiz camp opened in Dohuk, Northern Iraq. In that time it has grown to a tent city of nearly 40,000 Syrian refugees. UNICEF provides services in education, child protection, water, sanitation and hygiene, and health and nutrition. UK Nat Com local copies of these files at \Unicef-mediaphotosCOUNTRIESsyriaSY2013-refugees-IRAQ

Iraq, May 2013. A young Syrian boy sits in front of his family's tent in the Domiz refugee camp in Northern Iraq. Domiz is situated near the city of Dohuk, about forty miles from the Syrian border. Approximately 40,000 Syrians are living here, in facilities provided for around half that number April 2013 marked one year since Domiz camp opened in Dohuk, Northern Iraq. In that time it has grown to a tent city of nearly 40,000 Syrian refugees. UNICEF provides services in education, child protection, water, sanitation and hygiene, and health and nutrition. UK Nat Com local copies of these files at \Unicef-mediaphotosCOUNTRIESsyriaSY2013-refugees-IRAQ


On 1 September, a UNICEF worker observes as cargo, part of 100 tonnes of emergency supplies, is unloaded from a plane that has just arrived in the city of Erbil, Kurdistan Region. The supplies were urgently airlifted from UNICEF’s global supply warehouse in Copenhagen, Denmark, in response to the growing needs of the estimated 200,000 Syrian refugees now in Iraq. The worker’s T-shirt as well as a tarpaulin affixed to the cargo bear the UNICEF logo. On 1 September 2013 in Iraq, a plane carrying 100 tonnes of UNICEF emergency supplies for Syrian refugee children and their families arrived in the city of Erbil. The supplies were urgently airlifted from UNICEF’s global supply warehouse in Copenhagen, Denmark, to respond to the growing needs of the estimated 200,000 Syrian refugees now in Iraq. Delivered supplies include water tanks, tap stands, latrine equipment, water purification tablets and testing kits; oral rehydration solution; emergency health and hygiene, early childhood development, and recreation kits; school materials; and temporary schools and safe spaces. The provision of most of the supplies was made possible by a US$5.8 million contribution from the Government of Kuwait as well as an in-kind contribution from UPS, a UNICEF partner, which provided support toward the cost of airlifting the goods. Inside Syria, the war continues to escalate and has displaced some 4.25 million people. In addition to Iraq, Syrians also continue to flee to neighbouring Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey, and as far away as Egypt. By 3 September, the total number of Syrian refugees had surpassed 2 million. One million of them are children. Working with diverse governments, partners and other United Nations agencies, UNICEF has appealed for a total of US$470.65 million to cover responses within Syria and all host countries. By 22 August, nearly 60 per cent had been funded.UNICEF估计,叙利亚难民儿童的数目,在不足一年内已急剧增长10倍——从70,000升至超过100万。


随着新学年开始,UNICEF亦正帮助叙利亚儿童重返校园,並为他们提供书包、教学物资和课室用具。 自今年年初以来,UNICEF已为超过1,020万受影响的人提供安全食水,为超过240万儿童接种疫苗来预防疾病,为超过278,000名儿童提供学习支援和为468,000名儿童提供康乐活动。

