
UNICEF HK合共筹集港币780万元 支援尼泊尔救灾工作 15所「儿童友好家园」已设立 帮助儿童克服恐惧


香港,2015年5月4日──尼泊尔大地震至今发生超过一星期,大批儿童无家可归、受惊过度、依然得不到基本照顾,联合国儿童基金会(UNICEF)坦言,受灾儿童的健康及福祉令人担忧。UNICEF已在受灾最严重的地区设立了15所「儿童友好家园」,帮助儿童面对灾后生活。根据联合国儿童基金香港委员会(UNICEF HK)最新筹款数字,加上从紧急救援基金拨出的港币100万元,至今筹集到港币780万元,支援UNICEF在尼泊尔的救灾行动,保护尼泊尔儿童。 A young girl and her mother speak with UNICEF South Asia Regional Director Karin Hulshof. On 1 May 2015, UNICEF distributed emergency supplies to one of the five worst earthquake-affected districts in Nepal. UNICEF South Asia Regional Director Karin Hulshof and UNICEF Representative to Nepal Tomoo Hozumi were on hand to witness the distributions of two medical tents and 15 boxes of hygiene kits and to learn about the impact of the earthquake on residents of Maidi village in Dhading district. One week on from the earthquake in Nepal, UNICEF says the health and wellbeing of children affected by the disaster are hanging in the balance – as many have been left homeless, in deep shock and with no access to basic care. With the monsoon season only a few weeks away, children will be at heightened risk of diseases like cholera and diarrhoeal infections, as well as being more vulnerable to the threat of landslides and floods. The April 25 earthquake flattened more than 130,000 homes and left 3 million people in need of food assistance. Some 24,000 people are currently staying in 13 camps in Kathmandu. In a country where just over 40 per cent of children are stunted, fears for children’s nutrition are rising. At least 15,000 children with severe acute malnutrition require therapeutic feeding. There is also an urgent need for children in the 12 most affected districts to get back to their normal routine by setting up child-friendly spaces, opening schools and providing access to basic services, such as health and water. In the past week, UNICEF has flown in more than 85 tons of aid, including tents, plastic sheeting, blankets and life-saving medicines; set up child friendly spaces in informal camps, to offer support to help children recover from their experiences and a safe place where they can play and learn; and set up psychological support services in Gorkha, Kaski, Sindhuli, Kavre, Ramechhap and Kathmandu. UNICEF has also delivered aid to remote areas outside
On 30 April, children play in a tent housing a UNICEF-supported child-friendly space in Tundikhel, a large grass-covered area and important landmark in Kathmanudu, the capital. A UNICEF counsellor was present at the space to talk with children about what they had endured. A temporary camp has been set up in Tundikhel for internally displaced people. By 30 April 2015 in Nepal, search, rescue and relief operations continued in the aftermath of the massive 7.8-magnitude earthquake that hit the country on 25 April. The quake’s epicentre was 80 kilometres from Kathmandu, the capital. Over 5,500 people have been killed, and more than 11,100 others have been injured. Over 4.2 million people have been seriously affected, out of which an estimated 1.7 million – 40 per cent – are children below the age of 18 years. Residences, schools and vital infrastructure, including hospitals, have been severely damaged or destroyed, leaving thousands of children and families homeless, vulnerable to disease outeaks and in urgent need of food, shelter, safe water and sanitation, and health support. Over 3 million people are estimated to be in need of food assistance, with 1.4 million needing priority assistance. Some 24,000 internally displaced people are being hosted in 13 camps in Kathmandu, the capital. Working with the Government and other partners, including fellow United Nations organizations, UNICEF is supporting water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), health, nutrition, child protection, education and other interventions. In response to the disaster, UNICEF has provided tents, including for hospitals; tarpaulin sheeting; emergency medical kits; vaccines and related supplies; zinc and oral rehydration salts to prevent diarrhoeal disease outeaks; water purification tablets; hygiene kits and buckets; and temporary learning spaces. Working with partners, psychosocial services have been initiated in the districts of Gorkha, Kaski, Kathmandu, Kavre, Ramechhap and Sindhuli. UNI
UNICEF HK主席陈晴女士宣佈:「很多儿童在地震发生后,生活出现逆转,他们失去家人和房屋,灾后生活更将面对沉重的压力。我们必须保护尼泊尔儿童,帮助他们尽快回復正常生活。UNICEF HK已由紧急救援基金拨款港币100万元,计及公众捐出的港币680万元善款,我们今已筹集到超过港币780万元,同时亦陆续有更多本地企业与UNICEF HK携手,唿吁公众支援UNICEF在尼泊尔的救灾工作。」
香港市民可登入unicef.org.hk/donate,捐款拯救受尼泊尔地震影响的儿童及家庭。另外,由即日至5月底,美心集团旗下近250间分店将摆放UNICEF HK捐款箱,收集公众捐款。
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