






实现联合国「千禧发展目标4」 的工作上,已取得实质进展:全球5岁以下儿童的死亡人数,从1990年约1,200万人下降至2011年的690万人。

A woman carries a bucket filled with safe water that she was given during a water distribution from a tanker-truck, on the Jamali Bypass, the main highway in Jacobabad District, in Sindh Province. The truck bears the logos of UNICEF and other support partners. More than 58,600 flood-affected people in the province have received safe drinking water via tanker trucks. By mid-October 2012 in Pakistan, monsoon rains and torrential flooding that began in early September had affected more than 5 million people – primarily in the provinces of Sindh, Punjab and Balochistan. Over 459,000 homes as well as roads and schools have been damaged or destroyed; some 265,000 people remain displaced in relief camps, with many others living in roadside and other informal settlements; over 1.1 million acres of land and an estimated 54 per cent of health facilities have been affected; and numerous water sources have been contaminated. More than 80 per cent of the affected are women and children under age 14 in need of shelter, food, safe drinking water, sanitation, maternal and child health care and malaria prevention. Malnutrition rates in the hardest hit districts are well above the emergency threshold, and 74 per cent of children in affected communities are out of school. Logistical constraints are hampering relief efforts in many areas, and continuing insecurity is placing United Nations staff and other humanitarian workers at increased risk. In response to the crisis, UNICEF is working with the Government (which has pledged US $91 million to the monsoon floods response), as well as with other UN agencies and partner NGOs. Support includes the provision of: essential child and maternal health services; therapeutic and supplementary feeding programmes; safe drinking water, sanitation facilities and hygiene kits; ongoing immunization services, including to eradicate polio; temporary learning centres and child-friendly spaces; and protective services for children, including for family reunification and psychosocial support. UNICEF is requesting US $15.4 million to fund its part of the response over the next three months.






UNICEF亦致力于「加强营养」行动(Scaling up Nutrition movement)。这项行动集结了30个国家、27名全球领袖及逾100个组织,共同帮助1.65亿名5岁以下儿童解决发育不良的问题。




[THIS IMAGE IS FOR USE BY UNICEF ONLY – DO NOT SHARE WITH EXTERNAL MEDIA] A boy stands in Aleppo, capital of the north-western Aleppo Governorate. The city has been a site of prolonged fighting during the conflict. By late September 2012 in Syria, escalating war continues to take its toll on children and their families. Some 2.5 million people have been affected, of which 1.2 million – half of them children – have been displaced. Deaths, including of children and women, are estimated at 19,000. Syrians have also fled to neighboring Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey; more than 226,700 have registered with the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), while over 75,000 are awaiting registration. UNICEF continues working with diverse governments, other United Nations organizations and local and international NGOs to respond to the needs of affected children both in and outside Syria. UNICEF also supports initiatives in education, water, sanitation and hygiene, health, nutrition and child protection, including the provision of child-friendly spaces and psychosocial assistance for children traumatized by their experiences in relation to the conflict. To fund this work, UNICEF has requested US$123 million, of which less than 25 per cent has been received to date.



