
UNICEF杜拜开设人道救援物资仓库 全力运送南索马里营养补给物资



In December 1999 in Uganda, a man worker prepares a high-protein corn soya blend (CSB) for distribution to women to feed their children, at the UNICEF-assisted Pabbo camp for internally displaced persons in the northern district of Gulu.
UNICEF and other workers load ECD kits onto a truck, at a UNICEF warehouse in Port-au-Prince, the capital. The supplies also include care packages for children, part of a UNICEF collaboration with the United States Fund for UNICEF and varied private sector partners. Both the ECD kits and the child care packages are destined for residential child care centres and UNICEF-supported child-friendly spaces for children affected by the earthquake. Some of the men wear T-shirts bearing the UNICEF logo. [#2 IN SEQUENCE OF NINE] On 5 Feuary 2010 in Haiti, UNICEF Early Childhood Development (ECD) kits are being distributed in Port-au-Prince, the capital, to residential child care and child-friendly' spaces that are providing services for children affected by the 12 January earthquake. The quake killed an estimated 112,000 people and left 1 million homeless. Major government and private infrastructure were destroyed or heavily damaged. In Port-au-Prince, as many as 460,000 people continue to live in makeshift settlements, despite an exodus of up to 482,000 from the devastated city. Each ECD kit, for use by up to 50 children aged 0-6 years, contains age-appropriate educational materials and learning tools to help caregivers provide a range of activities that encourage child development and social interaction. Materials include art supplies, hand puppets for story-telling, puzzle blocks and memory games, as well as water containers and soap to promote proper hygiene. UNICEF created the kit to help support the development and learning of children aged 0-6 years who are affected by emergencies. This distribution is one of the first in a plan to provide 1,000 kits to centres serving small children affected by the quake.
一直以来,前往「非洲之角」的水路都是依赖蒙巴萨港口。在杜拜港口设立了人道救援物资仓库后,运载人道救援物资的船只将可取道杜拜港口,直驶至摩加迪沙,有助纾缓蒙巴萨港口的挤塞情况。在两港口同步运作之下,预计运送物资的时间可望大大缩减。 One-and-half year old Cherline Noel, who is malnourished, eats a high-energy biscuit in a baby tent in Caradeux, a displacement camp in Port-au-Prince, the capital. The tent is managed by the NGO Union des Amis Socio-Culturels dAction en Development (UNASCAD), a UNICEF partner. Baby tents are safe havens for women with small children, where they can learn about proper infant care and receive medical assistance. [#3 IN SEQUENCE OF THREE] In March 2011 in Haiti, malnutrition remains a major threat to childrens health. Some 25 per cent of children have low birthweight, and approximately 22 per cent of children under age five suffer moderate to severe malnutrition. As many as 300,000 Haitian children suffer from chronic malnutrition, and up to half of child deaths in the country are caused by malnutrition. Complicating this situation is the countrys slow recovery from the 12 January 2010 earthquake, a disaster that killed 220,000 people and left more than a million people homeless. UNICEF is working with a variety of partners to increase access to nutrition programmes, particularly in camps for those who remain displaced. UNICEF and partners are working to educate parents about proper nutrition for their children and to distribute therapeutic foods to those in need.


有赖商人Klaus-Michael Kuehne先生慷慨解囊,在旗下Kuehne基金拨出港币585万元(即75万美元)的善款,支持杜拜人道救援物资仓库首6个月的营运开支。此举亦将有助本会面对经遁不同运输途径运送救援物资,所遇到突如其来的技术性困难。

On 11 November, men load emergency medical supplies at a UNICEF warehouse in the port city of Gonaïves in Artibonite Region. The supplies, which bear the UNICEF logo, are for areas affected by the cholera outeak. By 11 November 2010 in Haiti, the cholera outeak that began in Artibonite Department had spread to four other departments, infected 9,123 people and killed 583. One case has also been confirmed and dozens more are suspected in Port-au-Prince, the capital where some 1.3 million people live in dense camps with inadequate sanitation facilities, making them highly vulnerable to a possible epidemic. Cholera is a deadly bacterial infection spread through contaminated food and water; children are the most vulnerable. The outeak, which began on 21 October, is the countrys biggest medical crisis since the 12 January earthquake. Even before the quake, Haitis access to sanitation was among the worst in the world, a situation that is now greatly exacerbated by ruined infrastructure. Recovery operations made significant progress in providing safe water and sanitation to quake survivors, but communicable diseases remain a threat. Flooding and other damage caused by Hurricane Tomas, which hit the country late last week, further strains ongoing response efforts. The Government and other partners are establishing cholera treatment centres throughout the country and launching a public information campaign on cholera prevention. Haitis sanitation agency, DINEPA (Direction Nationale de l'Eau Potable et de l'Assainissement), is also distributing chlorine tablets and safe water, and is testing water sources for contamination. Working with the Government, UNICEF and partners are providing medical teams, distributing water purification chemicals, antibiotics, oral rehydration salts (ORS) and therapeutic foods to affected regions; as well as accelerating cholera prevention and treatment efforts in Port-au-Prince.
UNICEF供应部主任Shanelle Hall女士表示:「这个人道救援物资中转站,增加了物资运送的渠道,並有助我们策划更准确、更周详的运输计划,更有系统地将营养物资,源源不绝的送到受饥荒影响的儿童及其家庭的手中。我们衷心感谢Kuehne基金的鼎力支持。」


