
UNICEF推食物券及补助金计划 助南索马里受灾儿童家庭



On 26 July, a boy eats a meal his first in a week following a food distribution in a settlement for people displaced by the drought crisis, in the Wardhiglay area of Mogadishu, the capital. His family has just arrived at the settlement. By 29 July 2011, the crisis in the Horn of Africa affecting primarily Kenya, Somalia, Ethiopia and Djibouti continues, with a worsening drought, rising food prices and an ongoing conflict in Somalia. More than 12 million people are threatened by the regions worst drought in 60 years. Some 500,000 severely malnourished children in drought-affected areas are at imminent risk of dying, while a further 1.6 million moderately malnourished children and the wider-affected population are at high risk of disease. Somalia faces one of the worlds most severe food security crises; and as many as 100,000 displaced people have sought security and assistance in Mogadishu, the still-embattled capital, in the last two months, and tens of thousands are fleeing into Kenya and Ethiopia. Famine has been declared in the Lower Shabelle and Bakool areas, and it is believed all of Southern Somalia could fall into a state of famine without immediate intervention. Across Southern Somalia, 1.25 million children are in urgent need of life-saving assistance, and 640,000 are acutely malnourished. UNICEF has delivered supplementary feeding supplies for 65,000 children and therapeutic food for 16,000 severely malnourished children in Southern Somalia, and is working with UN, NGO and community partners to expand blanket supplementary feeding programmes where needed. UNICEF is also supporting a range of other interventions, including an immunization campaign targeting 40,000 children in Mogadishu. A joint United Nations appeal for humanitarian assistance for the region requires US$2.5 billion, less than half of which has been committed.


案,有规模地开展拯救行动,才能把儿童从死亡边缘拯救出来。」UNICEF驻索马里代表Rozanne Chorlton女士指,「过去一年,本地粮食供应严重短缺,导致食物价格急涨。而派发食物券及推行补助金计划,能提升当地人的购买力,並鼓励贸易商入口粮食,再以合理价格出售食品。」




Gérard Bocquenet, Executive Director, French National Committee looks at an internally displaced woman receiving food at a wet feeding centre run by a local NGO and suppored by UNICEF during a visit by UNICEF National Committee members near Wajir town in North Eastern Kenya, September 2; 2011. Photo by Antony Njuguna/UNICEF
Rozanne Chorlton女士唿吁:「爲了拯救更多儿童的生命,我们急切需要即时的善款来扩大救援行动的规模。」
