
UNICEF报告发现崭新指标量度贫困对儿童的影响 东亚及太平洋地区儿童生活饱受多重剥削



曼谷/香港,2011年11月22日——联合国儿童基金会(UNICEF)最新发表的《东亚及太平洋地区贫困儿童:生活匮乏与发展差距》(Child Poverty in East Asia and the Pacific: Deprivations and Disparities)研究报告,内容阐述贫困对成年人与儿童所造成的影响大相径庭,藉以唿吁决策者在评估贫困对儿童的影响时,不应单从家庭入息水平作考量,必须以多角度全面了解儿童所面对的贫困问题,及他们生活条件匮乏的情况。
「研究显示,即使在中等收入的经济体系国家,儿童並未能受惠于国家整体收入增加,从而改善儿童的生活条件。」UNICEF东亚及太平洋区域办事处社会政策顾问Mahesh Patel先生直言:「国家若要均衡发展,收窄贫富差距,就必先从纾缓儿童贫困问题着手。」
Literature showing the impact of AIDS lying on their desks, adolescent girls and boys listen to a presentation on AIDS awareness and prevention, part of a student-to-student education exchange initiative supported by UNICEF, in a village in the south-eastern province of Svay Rieng. In 2000 in Cambodia, after more than a decade of intermittent peace, the country is continuing its recovery from 30 years of conflict, including genocide. Despite progress in health and nutrition, maternal and infant mortality rates are the highest in south-east Asia, most of the predominantly rural population still lacks access to essential services, and problems of ongoing violence, displacement and landmines continue to take their toll. HIV/AIDS is spreading rapidly, accelerated by a growing commercial sex industry, with an estimated 35 per cent of sex workers under 18 years of age, almost half of whom are presumed to be HIV positive. With half of the country's population under 18 years of age, these indicators represent a major threat to their future, including increased rates of mother-to-child transmission. UNICEF programmes to help combat the spread of HIV/AIDS include support for prevention and awareness programmes to all social sectors, including student-to-student education exchanges, the provision of testing and counselling services, and improved access to recovery and care for affected children and families.
Accompanied by a toddler, a woman stokes a cooking fire in a village in the south-eastern province of Svay Rieng. In 2000 in Cambodia, after more than a decade of intermittent peace, the country is continuing its recovery from 30 years of conflict, including genocide. Despite progress in health and nutrition, maternal and infant mortality rates are the highest in south-east Asia, most of the predominantly rural population still lacks access to essential services, and problems of ongoing violence, displacement and landmines continue to take their toll. HIV/AIDS is spreading rapidly, accelerated by a growing commercial sex industry, with an estimated 35 per cent of sex workers under 18 years of age, almost half of whom are presumed to be HIV positive. With half of the country's population under 18 years of age, these indicators represent a major threat to their future, including increased rates of mother-to-child transmission. UNICEF programmes to help combat the spread of HIV/AIDS include support for prevention and awareness programmes to all social sectors, including student-to-student education exchanges, the provision of testing and counselling services, and improved access to recovery and care for affected children and families.

UNICEF东亚及太平洋区域办事处主任Anupama Rao Singh女士表示:「此报告全面剖析了相关国家的国内贫穷情况,有助各国制订项目及政策,更有效分配资源,改善国内最弱势社群的生活。」




Children wash their face and hands at an outdoor tap at Ban Pho Preschool in Bac Han District in remote Lao Cai Province. The UNICEF-supported school promotes hygiene education and other child-friendly activities in a safe learning environment and includes classes taught in the childrens indigenous language. In March 2009 in Viet Nam, UNICEF is supporting the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) to provide bilingual education to ethnic minority children in Vietnamese and their indigenous language and to improve adolescent learning, especially among minority ethnic girls. The Norwegian Government and IKEA, the Swedish home-furnishings retailer, are major UNICEF funding partners. Norway has committed US $1.6 million, and IKEA has contributed more than US $1 million for these projects. Although 95 per cent of all eligible children attend primary school, an estimated 20 per cent of the children of the 11 million members of ethnic minorities do not have access to basic education. Additionally, drop-out rates among ethnic minorities are high due to the lack of trained bilingual teachers, limited bilingual texts and curricula and inadequate infrastructure. Adolescent girls are especially at risk because of poverty, cultural biases against gender equity in education and the lack of properly equipped child-friendly schools. UNICEF has worked with MOET since 2007 to research and implement educational models that support bilingual education for indigenous minorities, now benefiting some 5,000 students (including preschoolers) from the Hmong, Jrai and Khmer ethnic groups in the provinces of Lao Cai, Gia Lai and Tra Vinh. The programme to improve adolescent education, adding critical life skills, reaches an estimated 120,000 students and 3,000 out-of-school adolescents, in eight provinces. IKEA is UNICEFs largest corporate funding partner, supporting UNICEF education, child protection and health programmes for children in Asia, Africa and Europe.
Unnamed boy waks from a ramshackle shared latrine that is in poor condition. Not a UNICEF project. This is an area inhabited by Kazakh families that have a very different set of traditions to most Mongolians. UNICEF is working with local authoriities to expand itís presence in the are to assist remote communities as part of the CBSS programme, this includes increased access to better services and schools. Bayan Ulgii Aimag centre, western Mongolia, 2007.

Anupama Rao Singh女士续指:「研究报告首次清楚揭示了东亚及太平洋地区贫困儿童最需要解决的问题,並明确指出一国的儿童贫穷问题,不但会窒碍,甚至拖累国家整体的经济增长。」




