
UNICEF X Regal Hotels Mooncake Charity Sales


The Horn of Africa is suffering through the worst drought in 60 years due to limited rainfall. Famine was declared in three new areas of Southern Somalia yesterday and malnutrition rates are at emergency levels. Almost 10 percent of the children under five die every three months in areas which are officially in famine. To date, tens of thousands of children in Southern Somalia have already died. Over 2.3 million children in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia are estimated to be acutely malnourished, with over half a million severely malnourished children at risk of imminent death.

UNICEF rapidly responded to the crisis by requesting appeal for HK$2.45 billion (US$314 million). However, there is still a shortfall of over HK$1.56 billion (US$200 million), while Somalia alone needs HK$1.02 billion (US$131 million) over the next six months to scale up operations.
In response to UNICEF’s emergency relief work, UNICEF X Regal Hotels Mooncake Charity Sales were held at wtc more, Causeway Bay and Luk Yeung Galleria Square from 12 August to 14 August (Friday to Sunday). All the proceeds will be channeled to the Horn of Africa Emergency Appeal.The kick-off press conference was held at World Trade Centre at Causeway Bay. Ms Judy Chen, Chairman of Hong Kong Committee, Ms Poman Lo, Executive Director of Regal Hotels International Holdings Ltd, MC Jin and Joyce Cheng attended the event to help boost the morale of the volunteers.
The children in the famine-ravaged Horn of Africa need your help now! Please support them by purchasing the Regal Hotels mooncake vouchers. The order form can be downloaded here.
The total amount of funds raised on the event day is $27,404. Please click here to download the audit report conducted by KPMG. Should you have any questions regarding the event, please feel free to contact our Fundraising Officer, Miss Kathy Tse at 2833 6139.