


《2014年世界儿童状况:每一名儿童都重要—— 揭示发展差距,促进儿童权利》。有关详情,请浏览www.data.unicef.org
纽约/香港,2014年1月30日 —— 联合国儿童基金会今天指出,「每一名儿童都重要」,唿吁各界作出更大努力,透过创新方法,分辨及消除发展差距,让全球22亿最弱势的儿童,都能享受应有的权利。
「数据将令拯救及改善数百万儿童,尤其是最受剥削儿童的生命,变成可能。」联合国儿童基金会数据和分析部主任泰莎.沃德罗(Tessa Wardlaw)说,「只有了解哪些儿童最受忽略、哪里有儿童失学、哪里疾病最为猖獗、或者哪里正缺乏基本衞生设施,我们才能取得进一步进展。」
Health workers measure and record the height and weight of Erlan Bernoupereinev, 3, at his home, in Kindik Uzyak Village in the Konlikul District, Republic of Karakalpakstan. In July 2011 in Uzbekistan, UNICEF is working closely with the Government to improve conditions for children, particularly in the areas of health and education. While child mortality rates have decreased significantly, some 20,000 under-5 children still die each year. Further, more than 10 per cent of eligible primary school children do not attend school. In addition to programme and advocacy support, UNICEF is currently running a Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) in the country. This is part of the fourth round of MICS, scheduled for 2009 – 2011, that is helping countries measure their progress in achieving national and international child survival and development goals, including the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (targeted for achievement in 2015). MICS data is collected in face-to-face interviews in nationally representative samples of households, generating one of the world’s largest sources of statistical information on children and women. Since the mid-1990s, MICS have enabled more than 100 countries to produce statistically sound and internationally comparable estimates of a range of health, education, child protection and other indicators.
School children wait in line.
© UNICEF/CBDA2010-00264
- 如果儿童死亡率仍停留在1990年的水平,约有9,000万儿童在5岁前死亡,但现在他们都得以存活。这很大程度是因为疫苗接种、个人、食水及环境衞生等方面取得进展。
- 自1990年,营养状况得到改善,发育迟缓率已下降37%。
- 即使在最不发达的国家,小学入学率也已上升:1990年,这些国家里只有53%儿童入学;截至2011年,入学率已升至81%。
儘管如此,根据这份《每一名儿童都重要—— 揭示发展差距,促进儿童权利》报告中引述的统计数据,侵犯儿童权利的情况仍然存在:
- 2012年,全球约有660万5岁以下儿童死亡,其中大多数死于可预防的疾病,违反他们生存和发展的基本权利。
- 全球15%儿童是童工,被强迫劳动;他们免受经济剥削的权利受侵犯之余,也失去学习及游戏的权利。
- 全球11%女童在15岁前结婚,她们健康、教育和受保护的权利都受侵害。
- 全球最贫困儿童,由受训助产员迎接出生的机会,较最富裕儿童少近3倍(2.7倍),令他们及其母亲有更大机会患上分娩相关并发症。
- 在尼日尔,所有城市家庭都取得安全的饮用水,但农村里,只有39%家庭获得安全饮用水。
- 在乍得,男女童初中入学比例只是100: 44—— 显示女童无法享受学校所提供的教育、保护及相关服务。
A girl holds a slate after leaving school as she stands in the Toukra IDP site in N'Djamena, Chad on Monday October 22, 2012. UNICEF UK - local copies saved here: Y:Key-initiativesIFSahel-Stories-2012Chadphotos only_W
Marida Sittou, 14, drinks from a district water point in a southern suburb of Zinder, capital of Zinder Region. In May 2013, Niger continues to host an estimated 50,000 Malian refugees – further constraining the country’s already limited resources. Both Niger and Mali are among nine countries in the Sahel region – also including Burkina Faso, Chad, the Gambia, Mauritania, Senegal, and the northern parts of Cameroon and Nigeria – facing a severe food and nutrition crisis. The emergency is the result of repeated drought-related food shortages. Though conditions have improved since the height of the crisis in early 2012, an estimated 3.1 million people in the Niger are affected by food insecurity, including over 376,700 children under age 5 suffering from severe acute malnutrition. In April, ongoing wet feeding activities benefitted 5,769 children aged 6 to 59 months in four refugee camps. UNICEF is also supporting programmes in education and child protection, including the provision of child-friendly spaces, in the camps. Initiatives to provide safe water and sanitation facilities to refugees are extending to some host communities, and responses to a recently declared cholera epidemic are also ongoing. To continue emergency responses throughout 2013, UNICEF requires nearly US$33.8 million, of which half remained unfunded by 22 May.
报告指出,「要纠正现时调查造成的忽略或失误,就必须肯定所有资讯都被全面采纳。不断改良收集及分析数据的方法,以了解更多儿童及其家人权利被剥夺的情况,及提高数据的可用性及可靠性—— 同时研发更多创新的技术。这都需要长远的投资及支持。」
《世界儿童状况》的发表已踏入第30年,透过一致的全球及国家数据统计,为儿童生存环境提供了详细蓝图。联合国儿童基金会在发表这份报告的同时,亦邀请决策者及公众于www.data.unicef.org 浏览和运用相关统计数据,为儿童作出正面改变。