


© UNICEF/UN08733/Ashley Gilbertson





Standing in open, Collins Odour (left), Laura Adema (middle) and Dawwing Ouma (right), all of them Sauti Skika peers and advocates, communicate with their friends on phone in Nyalenda neighbourhood in the city of Kisumu. Kenya. Sauti Skika is an initiative for and by young people living with HIV, with a goal to ensure the voices of young people and adolescents living with HIV is heard at all levels of HIV response. It aims to empower adolescents living with HIV (ALHIV) to increase participation in advocacy for improved access to HIV prevention and treatment interventions, as well as for access to sexual reproductive health options and improve their quality of life. Sauti Sauti Skika seeks to have a pool of skilled and confident ‘Sauti Skika’ champions’ as agents for change who can engage in media related advocacy. Note: When given choice, Dawwing Ouma (grey shirt), Collins Odour (yellow shirt) and Laura Adema (black jacket) from Sauti Skika insisted that they are do not want their identities to be hidden in any way as they are advocates for people living with HIV. In Kenya, over half (51%) of new HIV infections are among adolescents and young people aged 15 to 24, at an estimated 49 new HIV infections every day among 15-19 year olds. Sauti Skika is an initiative supported by UNICEF, for and by young people living with HIV, with a goal to ensure the voice of young people and adolescents living with HIV is heard at all levels of HIV response. It aims to empower adolescents living with HIV (ALHIV) to increase participation in advocacy for improved access to HIV prevention and treatment interventions, as well as for access to sexual reproductive health options and improve their quality of life.
© UNICEF/UN0147080/Shehzad Noorani

同伴倡导者在肯尼亚基苏木的尼亚兰大地区透过电话与朋友交流,他们的组织Sauti Skika由青年人管理和营运,为青年爱滋病病毒感染者发声,确保大众能聆听他们的声音。





[RELEASE OBTAINED] (Left) Gaiela Vlad, 17, uses her phone to speak with her mother at the dinner table at the home of her foster mother Tatiana Gribincea (right) in the village of Porumbeni on the outskirts of Moldova, Monday 16 October 2017. The dinner was traditional Moldovan foods, washed down with home made wine and pressed berry juice for the children. During dinner, Gaiella called her mother Svetlana - usually she video chats with her mother during dinner, but tonight the internet connection failed them, and Svetlana chatted on speaker with her daughter, son, husband and friends. Moldova gained independence from the former USSR in 1991, and since then has regularly ranked as one of the worlds unhappiest countries. Moldova is the poorest nation in Europe - according to the World Bank, the average per capita G.D.P. in 2016 was $1,900. The country’s economy is reliant on agriculture and foreign remittances: at least one quarter of the population live and work aoad, sending pay home to support their families. With so many people leaving the country to find gainful employment, Moldova is officially the fastest shrinking country on earth. Gaiela Vlad is a seventeen-year-old student living in the village of Porumbeni, 10 miles (16 kilometres) from Chisinau, Moldova. In 2006, Gaiella’s mother Svetlana decided she needed to travel aoad in order to earn a higher income and provide her children with better opportunities. Before leaving Moldova, Svetlana worked in a printing house earning 2000 lei (USD$120) a month, and was unable to support her family financially. She now works as a nurse at a German nursing home for the elderly. The night before Svetlana left, the family gathered at the dinner table and Gaiela’s father, who works as a police detective and like all public employees in Moldova is very poorly remunerated, made a speech before they began: “Enjoy this, it’s the last time you’re going to eat this well until she comes home.”
© UNICEF/UN0139548/Gilbertson V









  • 亲子关係(父母与孩子应建立正面稳定的关係)
  • 行为控制(在相互信任的基础上监管和指导孩子)
  • 尊重孩子,尤其是青少年
  • 树立良好的榜样(孩子会模仿家长的言行)
  • 物质支持和身心保护(来自家长和社区)


