
第1億名接種腦膜炎救生疫苗的人 經濟、安全、有效的疫苗 保護年輕人遠離惡疾


A boy grimaces as he receives a needle vaccination from a health worker during a two-day immunization session for all 5,000 people at the Wenela camp who have been displaced by the flooding, in the district of Chibuto, in the province of Gaza. Both children and adults are being vaccinated, as needed, against measles, tetanus and meningitis, and children are being given vitamin A capsules to boost their natural immune systems. By mid-March 2000 in Mozambique, relief and rehabilitation efforts were well under way in response to the worst flooding in 50 years that followed torrential rains in late Feuary, affecting at least seven provinces, causing some 500 deaths and leaving more than 300,000 people homeless or without a livelihood. UNICEF is working with the Government, NGOs, other UN agencies and foreign governments to respond to the emergency and has also supported a Ministry of Health mass vaccination campaign targeting tens of thousands of children and adults in three provinces in the Limpopo River valley, one of the most severely affected areas. Providing vaccinations against measles, meningitis and tetanus, as well as vitamin A capsules (to reinforce immune systems) for an estimated 45,000 children, the two-week campaign demonstrated the logistical challenges faced to vaccinate people in remote areas.

此項歷史性的壯舉,乃源於兩年前,布基納法索首度採用名為 MenAfriVac®的新型腦膜炎疫苗。自此,另外9個國家便相繼展開防疫注射運動,為1至29歲的國民接種預防A型腦膜炎疫苗。


A queue of people behind him waiting their turn, a boy is vaccinated against measles during a two-day immunization campaign to vaccinate all 5,000 residents of the Wenela camp for people who were displaced by the flooding, in the district of Chibuto in the province of Gaza. The two-day session is part of a week-long immunization campaign against measles, meningitis and tetanus, covering three of the provinces most affected by the flooding and carried out by the Ministry of Health with UNICEF supplies and logistics assistance. An estimated 45,000 children will also receive vitamin A capsules to reinforce their natural immune systems. By mid-March 2000 in Mozambique, relief and rehabilitation efforts were well under way in response to the worst flooding in 50 years that hit the country in late Feuary, affecting at least seven provinces, causing some 500 deaths and leaving more than 300,000 people homeless or without a livelihood. The extensive damage to agricultural land as well as to the transportation, water and sanitation and housing infrastructures also heightened the risk of malaria or cholera outeak and required immediate food, health and water and sanitation assistance. Working with government ministries, other UN agencies and NGOs, UNICEF is coordinating the water and sanitation emergency response; supporting a vaccination campaign targeting tens of thousands of children and adults in the Limpopo River valley; providing essential drugs, oral rehydration salts (ORS) packets and educational materials; promoting community mobilization campaigns in health and hygiene to prevent the spread of disease; and supporting the rehabilitation of schools in affected areas.

MenAfriVac®疫苗是由國際非營利衞生組織適宜衞生技術規劃 (PATH)與世界衞生組織(世衞)共同研發的。PATH的總裁兼首席執行官史蒂夫.戴維斯表示:「最初研發這種疫苗時,我們己知道它的需求有多迫切。我們希望它能迅速地為廣大民眾提供援助,幫他們安然度過撒哈拉以南非洲的腦膜炎流行季節。」他續指:「對於非洲國家迅速採用此疫苗對抗腦膜炎,我們感到十分自豪,同時欣然看到已接種疫苗的地區,幾乎再沒有致命及因腦膜炎引致患者身體衰竭的病例。」

在世衞負責家庭、婦女和兒童衞生事務的助理總幹事Flavia Bustreo博士表示:「這項里程碑之所以能實現,全賴各國政府的承諾,以及世衞和其他合作伙伴的支持。」她續說:「我們必須繼續努力,在餘下仍然在『腦膜炎地帶』的國家實施防疫注射運動,確保廣泛民眾接種到MenAfriVac®疫苗。」


A health worker displays a vaccine against five common childhood illnesses – Hib, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and hepatitis B – at a storage facility in the south-western city of Khulna. Hib is a common cause of pneumonia and bacterial meningitis. In January 2009 in Bangladesh, a national campaign to vaccinate children against Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) was launched in Khulna District. Hib is a common cause of pneumonia and bacterial meningitis, causing an estimated three million serious illnesses and 400,000 deaths around the world annually. The country-wide campaign aims to immunize four million children under the age of five by year’s end, saving the lives of at least 20,000 children. The vaccine will also protect against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and hepatitis B, reducing the number and frequency of injections each child will need to build immunity against these diseases. The campaign is sponsored by the World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF, the GAVI Alliance and the Hib Initiative. The GAVI Alliance is a public-private partnership among developing and donor governments, the vaccine industry and others, which funds immunization programmes around the world. The Hib Initiative is a body of experts on Hib vaccination from the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, WHO and the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. WHO, UNICEF, GAVI and the Hib Initiative are working to extend Hib vaccine coverage to 72 developing countries by 2015.


A baby girl receives a pentavalent vaccine at the Kaniya Peripheral Health Unit in the village of Kaniya, in Bo District. The pentavalent vaccine protects against five common diseases: diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), hepatitis B and Haemophilus influenza type b (also called Hib, a cause of pneumonia and meningitis). [#2 IN SEQUENCE OF TWO] In April 2010 in Sierra Leone, child and maternal mortality rates remain among the highest in the world. Nearly one out of every five children dies before the age of five, and a woman’s lifetime risk of maternal death is one in eight. Many health clinics lack ambulances, electricity, skilled personnel, and essential supplies, and many people simply cannot afford basic health services. Maternity services are particularly poor, with only 43 per cent of women giving birth in the presence of a skilled birth attendant, such as a doctor, nurse or midwife. The high prevalence of malnutrition, malaria, acute respiratory infections, preventable diseases, poverty and gender inequality also contribute to the high rates of death and illness among children and mothers. On 27 April, the Government inaugurated a programme that abolishes fees for primary health services to pregnant and lactating mothers and children under the age of five. Support for this programme comes from UNICEF, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Bank, the African Development Bank, the European Union, Irish Aid and other partners. UNICEF is building clinics, supporting ambulance services, and providing essential drugs and supplies for obstetric care. UNICEF also supports preventative and curative health programmes, including vaccination campaigns, the distribution of insecticide-treated mosquito nets, the practice of exclusive eastfeeding and the promotion of hand-washing.
西起岡比亞,東至厄立特里亞,整個「腦膜炎地帶」足以綿延 26個國家,屬季節性傳染病的A型腦膜炎就在此地帶肆虐,威脅着當地4.5億人的生命。此病會導致患者大腦和脊柱周邊的腦膜發炎,引發劇烈疼痛,在24至48小時之內致命。即使倖存,患者往往要面對嚴重學習障礙、失聰或截肢問題。而兒童和青少年正是此疾病的最高風險患者。

Pentavalent vaccines are kept in a cold box at the health centre in Kaniaka Village, Katanga Province. The pentavalent vaccine protects against five common diseases: diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), hepatitis B and Haemophilus influenza type b (also called Hib, a cause of pneumonia and meningitis). Cold boxes are a critical part of the ‘cold chain’, the series of temperature controls required to maintain vaccine potency from manufacture through inoculation. In Feuary 2011 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, women and children remain vulnerable to maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT), an infection that has no cure but is preventable with routine immunization. MNT threatens the lives of 130 million women and babies in 38 countries around the world, including D. R. Congo, where the disease sickened at least 1,038 babies and killed 483 last year. Globally, the disease kills 59,000 infants within their first month of life, the equivalent of one death every nine minutes, every year. Limited access to basic health services and poor hygiene conditions during birth are the major contributors to MNT mortality: Many infections take place when women give birth at home, alone or in the presence of an untrained birth attendant. Delivery on unclean surfaces and handling with unclean hands or instruments increase the chance of MNT infection in both mother and baby. Yet three doses of the tetanus toxoid vaccine – one of the world’s safest and least expensive vaccines – protects almost 100 per cent of recipients from the disease. Additionally, children born to immunized women are protected from the disease for the first two months of life. Since UNICEF re-launched its MNT Elimination Initiative in 1999, at least 20 countries have achieved the goal of eliminating MNT, and since 2006, private-sector partner Pampers has donated funds for 300 million vaccines. In D. R. Congo, this initiative is promoting vaccination among girls and women of child-bearing age, particularly in southern provinces where health infrastructure is weak and vaccine shortages are common. The goal of the initiative is to eliminate cases of MNT from the world by 2015.

在2001年,PATH和世衞聯合組成腦膜炎疫苗項目,研發一種對非洲國家而言,經濟實惠的疫苗,用於應付會引起A型腦膜炎的腦膜炎球菌。過往的新型疫苗,要不未被設計成可應付發展中國家的變種疾病,要不就是過於昂貴,令發展中國家無法負擔並用於其防疫注射計劃。PATH 和世衞遂與印度血清研究所有限公司合作研發疫苗,並以每劑低於約港幣3.9元(0.50美元)的成本生產,以應付龐大需求。



Immunization supervisor Nestor Sindimwo removes icepacks to reach measles vaccines in a ‘cold box’, in the dispensary of Hôpital Muyinga (Muyinga Hospital), in Muyinga, capital of the north-eastern Muyinga Province. 'Cold boxes' play a critical role in preserving the ‘cold chain’, the series of temperature controls required to maintain vaccine potency from manufacture through inoculation. The dispensary is serving as a district vaccine depot during the campaign. Health districts, classified by the Ministry of Public Health, are distinctive from administrative divisions. From 18 to 21 June 2012 in Burundi, an integrated measles vaccination campaign is being held as part of nationwide Maternal and Child Health Week activities. The campaign aims to vaccinate more than 1.4 million children aged 6 months to 5 years old against the easily preventable but highly contagious disease, which can cause severe complications and death. Worldwide, the disease remains a leading cause of death among young children: in 2010, an estimated 139,300 people – mainly children under the age of 5 – died globally from measles. But significant progress has been made: from 2001 to 2011, measles deaths worldwide decreased by 74 per cent, with the largest decline (about 85 per cent) in sub-Saharan Africa. Measles coverage in Burundi had surpassed 92 per cent by 2010. Nevertheless, outeaks of the disease continue, with 8 districts affected in 2011. The nationwide campaign is being implemented by the Ministry of Health, with support from UNICEF and other partners. Children under age 5 are also receiving vitamin A, which has been shown to reduce the number of measles deaths by half. Children and women are also receiving deworming tablets. Burundi’s campaign is also part of the Measles & Rubella Initiative, a global partnership led by the American Red Cross, the United Nations Foundation, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF.
2012年10月31日,MenAfriVac®疫苗更獲認可,在40°C高溫下,即使離開疫苗冷藏系統後,只要使用可調溫疫苗冷藏系統 (controlled temperature chain),其有效期最多可保持4天,是首種在非洲獲得此認可的疫苗,為其他耐熱性疫苗所借鑑。

