
受災兒童需求日增 UNICEF發放最新籌款呼籲 本港企業與UNICEF HK攜手募捐 支援尼泊爾救災工作


香港,2015年4月30日──尼泊爾地震令280萬名兒童受災,當中170萬名處於災情最嚴重的地區,正面對不斷升溫的疫症爆發危機。為應付未來3個月的緊急人道需求,聯合國兒童基金會(UNICEF)發出港幣3.93億元(5,035萬美元)籌款呼籲。本港多家企業將與聯合國兒童基金香港委員會(UNICEF HK)攜手,呼籲公眾支援UNICEF在尼泊爾的救援行動。
UNICEF relief supplies are stacked on pallets at Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu, the capital. The UNICEF logo is on the shipment, which includes tents, tarpaulin sheeting, family hygiene kits and water purification tablets. More than 100 pallets of UNICEF relief supplies have been airlifted to the capital to date. A man and two workers stand near the shipment and an aeroplane on the tarmac. On 29 April 2015 in Nepal, search, rescue and relief operations continue in the aftermath of the massive 7.8-magnitude earthquake that hit the country on 25 April. The quake’s epicentre was 80 kilometres from Kathmandu, the capital. Nearly 5,000 people have been killed, more than 9,700 others have been injured, and more than 8 million people have been affected. In the areas hardest hit by the disaster, about 1.7 million children urgently need humanitarian aid. Residences, schools and vital infrastructure, including hospitals, have been severely damaged or destroyed, leaving thousands of children and families homeless, vulnerable to disease outeaks and in urgent need of food, shelter, safe water and sanitation, and health support. Over 1.4 million people are in need of food assistance. Tens of thousands of displaced people are sheltering in camps or in available open spaces. The situation has been exacerbated by continuing powerful aftershocks that have caused additional damage. Working with the Government and other partners, including fellow United Nations organizations, UNICEF is supporting water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), health, nutrition, child protection, education and other interventions. In response to the disaster, UNICEF is providing tents, including for hospitals; tarpaulin sheeting; emergency medical kits; vaccines and related supplies; zinc and oral rehydration salts to prevent diarrhoeal disease outeaks; water purification tablets; hygiene kits and buckets; and temporary learning spaces and psychosocial counselling for children. UNICEF is
© UNICEF/NYHQ2015-1058/Nybo
UNICEF駐尼泊爾代表Tomoo Hozumi表示:「若兒童不能獲得安全食水,他們很可能會感染水媒疾病。很多家庭目前仍要為找地方遮風擋雨而徬徨,隨着我們陸續收到偏遠地區的消息,我們對災情將會掌握等更全面、更透徹,在未來幾天,災區的人道需求將繼續遞增。」


© UNICEF Nepal/KPage
另外,由即日至5月3日,公眾於雅虎網站(www.yahoo.com.hk)內每次搜尋「NEPAL」,或者在「Yahoo購物」每購買一件商品,雅虎香港將會捐出港幣1元予UNICEF HK,支援UNICEF在尼泊爾的救災工作。
UNICEF HK主席陳晴女士表示:「UNICEF HK在過去數日已籌得約港幣440萬元善款。在各大企業的同心支持下,我們希望能夠爭取到更多市民的支持,籌得更多善款,拯救在水深火熱中的尼泊爾兒童。」
網上捐款: /donate
直接銀行存款: 匯豐銀行:567-354014-005
捐款熱線: 2833 6139
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高級傳訊主任黃穎祺(Jamie Wong)
電話:2836 2967 / 6149 3378
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For more information please contact:
Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF
Jamie Wong, Communication Specialist
Tel / Mobile: 2836 2967 / 6149 3378