
(只有英文)聯合國兒童基金會專機今抵薩納機場 為也門兒童提供疫苗


© UNICEF/Madhok

On 25 November 2017, a shipment of vaccines is delivered to the Sana’a International airport, inging in15 tonnes of BCG, Penta and PCV vaccine supplies to protect Yemeni children from diseases such as diphtheria and tetanus.


SANA’A/AMMAN/NEW YORK/HONG KONG, 25 November 2017 - A UNICEF-chartered aircraft carrying lifesaving vaccines has landed in Sana’a airport earlier today.

The aircraft carried 1.9 million doses of vaccines. The vaccines will reach 600,000 children in a nation-wide vaccination campaign all over Yemen. The campaign aims at immunizing children against diseases including diphtheria, whooping cough, tuberculosis, pneumonia and meningitis.

The vaccines arrive at a critical time for Yemeni children as stocks were rapidly running out, increasing the risk for more children to fall sick or even die. Already, across Yemen today, a child dies already every 10 minutes of preventable causes.

Girls and boys in Yemen look forward to the arrival of more urgently needed humanitarian supplies.
