Issues to be addressed:
- Hong Kong students from lower income bracket are deprived of exposure in classical music, resulting in lack of confidence, lack of choice for future career and inability to enjoy quality music.
- The imbalance of opportunities between Hong Kong music students and their counterparts overseas in music education.
- Philosophy of music education in Hong Kong: didactic versus creative.
Project focus:
realising child rights to development and participation, helping the needs of poverty children and minority groups of children
- To further provide exposure and learning opportunities for students from lower income bracket deprived of access to classical music.
- To give Hong Kong’s youth from all social classes opportunities to participate and develop in the field of classical music
- To instigate a change in Hong Kong’s music education system by promoting more creativity rather than didactic learning
- This project aims to expand the ‘Musicus Inspires!’ programme that firstly launched in 2013 into a year-round programme with more in-depth implementation
- School Visits: A year-round talk with renowned artist performances and talks, master classes and on-site teaching for students with limited resources
- Ensemble Training: Overseas artists will provide instrumental training and rehearsal sessions to advanced students who are interested to pursue a career in classical music
- Behind the Scene: Provide workshops to students who are interested in pursuing music management with skills of arts management and experience of working behind the scenes arts management. A mentor programme will be arranged by the participants in 2013 to coach the new participants. Year-round internships will also be offered
- Master Classes & Talks: International renowned artists are invited for teaching demonstration for local teachers, students and parents who are interested in pedagogical methods and best practices overseas; discussion on music education, career choices and development can be discussed
- Musicus Inspires! Concert: A community concert for all participating students to perform with world class artists; Some tickets will also be distributed at minimal or zero cost to students who could not afford to buy regular concert tickets
- Reached over 37 million people with mailing campaign, promotion at universities, LCSD’s music office, social media etc to promote more creativity rather than didactic learning.
- Organized two School Visits with festival artists and industry professionals’ experience sharing to enhance 525 students’ understanding of and appreciation for classical music.
- Provided trainings for 50 students including those from lower income families, underprivileged groups, local schools, HKAPA and university students to receive professional trainings from renowned Moscow Soloists in small groups, learn about arts management, commissioning of new music which are then premiered by festival artists.
- Organized a concert on 30 November, 2014 at Sha Tin Town Hall where trained young musicians performed with festival artists together on stage.
- Conducted Master Classes for 103 local music students, teachers, parents and the public for them to listen and observe how maestro think about music practice and techniques. 100 per cent of the participants were interested in returning to the programme.
- Offered Pre-concert Talk for 210 teachers, and students from lower income families and underprivileged groups, introducing music appreciation and general concert etiquette for classical music.
- Organized two free community concerts and the Musicus Fest Encore Concert to 174 and 1,010 students, teachers, parents, music lovers and the general public.
- Received very positive feedback from the festival artists, mentioning the programme was meaningful for nurturing the next generation in music industry. Teachers commented that the programme can enhance students’ musical knowledge and appreciation for music though sharing experience and on-site teaching by artists around the world.
Upcoming activities:
- Jan – Jun 2015 and Jan – May 2016: school visits by artists and industry professionals
- Summer – Nov 2015: training programmes, Master Classes and talks
- Sept – Nov 2015: Heritage Concerts and Musicus Fest
No. of beneficiaries: 12,648

Issue to be addressed:
- The imbalance of opportunities between Hong Kong students and their counterparts overseas in music education
- Hong Kong music education system is more didactic. A more creative education system is needed to foster creativity among students
Project focus:
Realising children’s rights and working for development and survival needs of poverty children and ethnic minority children
- To cultivate younger performers and students of all social backgrounds who may someday become leaders in the arts themselves
- To instigate a change in the Hong Kong music education system by promoting more creativity rather than didactic learning, in conjunction with various pedagogical methods and practices from overseas
- Encounter with Renowned Orchestra: students who are curious about what it means to be a true professional musician will be coached by members of the celebrated Tapiola Sinfonietta, one of the leading orchestras in Europe, in small groups, rehearse and perform alongside with the orchestra’s members in City Hall Concert Hall.
- Behind the Scenes: offers training opportunities to young people in Hong Kong where first-hand experience is garnered from working in an international music festival.
- School Visits: arts industry professionals share their experiences, such as a life of concertizing around the world, the challenges and rewards of being a musician, and the excitement and demands of being in arts management with students, combined with performances.
- Open Rehearsals: local students and music lovers will have an opportunity to observe world class artists as they prepare for the upcoming performances
- Reached 14 million people with mailing campaign, promotion at universities, LCSD’s music office, social media etc.
- Benefitted 6,039 students, including those from lower middle class or lower class families, disabled or ethnic minority students to participate in sharing or learning with, or even listening to the performance of great artists. Many of the students never had a chance to the above before.
- Received 100 per cent positive response for School Visit. Most students participated in Behind the Scenes and Encounter with Renowned Orchestra were interested in returning to the programme in 2014.
- Over 80 per cent of Behind the Scenes and 70 per cent of Encounter with Renowned Orchestra students had stronger interest to become art administrators or musicians.
- Received very positive feedback from the local music sector, including letters from HKAPA, local school principal and music teachers. Many said the programme enables students to discover their potentials with inspiration and motivation, unlike the existing conventional approach.
No. of beneficiaries: 6,039