


(Left-right) South African Kamo Masilo, a 12-year-old boy, and former President of South Africa Nelson Mandela join hands in Maputo, the capital, having each made their individual pledge in support of 'Say Yes' at the campaign's web site. Kamo recently participated with Mr. Mandela in the filming of a television public service announcement (PSA) to help launch the Global Movement for Children. On 21 April 2001 in Mozambique, Nobel Peace Prize laureate and former President of South Africa Nelson Mandela and Mozambican child rights advocate Graca Machel joined 12-year-old South African Kamo Masilo to 'Say Yes for Children', an unprecedented global sign-up campaign in support of 10 overarching imperatives to improve and protect the lives of children. These are: Leave No Child Out; Put Children First; Care for Every Child; Fight HIV/AIDS; Stop Harming and Exploiting Children; Listen to Children; Educate Every Child; Protect Children from War; Protect the Earth for Children; and Fight Poverty: Invest in Children. Launching internationally on 26 April in London, the United Kingdom, 'Say Yes for Children' promises to gather millions of pledges through a worldwide outreach, from hamlets to urban centres, on paper and via the Internet. These pledges will be tallied through September of this year and presented to Heads of State and Government at the United Nations Special Session on Children, to be held 19-21 September at United Nations Headquarters. The campaign is the first major initiative of the Global Movement for Children (GMC), a coalition of some of the world's largest child rights organizations in a unique partnership to raise awareness about issues affecting children. Since Mr. Mandela and Ms. Machel launched the leadership initiative in support of the GMC in May 2000, other world leaders, celeities and notables -- including United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan and prominent US businessman and philanthropist Bill Gates -- are also playing key roles in the 'Say Yes for Children' campaign. The 'Say Yes' pledge form and additional information can be found at: www.gmfc.org.
「南非國父」納爾遜.曼德拉一直致力於兒童工作。2002年,他在聯合國兒童問題特別會議上促請各國首腦在兒童健康和教育項目上投放更多資源。2004年,他通過自己的基金會,以及與漢堡協會和UNICEF的合作,發起「非洲助學計劃」(Schools for Africa)全球運動,讓200萬名非洲兒童得以上學,接受教育。他與妻子格拉薩.馬謝爾,熱心支持自己名下的兒童基金會、全球兒童運動及UNICEF工作,努力爭取兒童成為全球發展議程的核心。