
尼泊爾受災兒童增至近300萬名 UNICEF隊伍抵達災區 防範麻疹爆發


香港,2015年4月28日──尼泊爾受災兒童增至280萬,佔總受災人口700萬人的4成。數以百萬計的災民擔心再有強烈餘震,已連續第4晚在空地紮營露宿,衞生情況惡劣,災後疫症隨時在臨時營地一觸即發。加德滿都已經出現集體腹瀉個案,另外麻疹亦見潛在爆發危機。聯合國兒童基金會(UNICEF)隊伍已抵達災區,麻疹疫苗亦已到位,同時安排了水車提供清潔食水,以防範疫症爆發。當地受災兒童的人道需求與日俱增,亟需公眾繼續捐款支持。 On 26 April, people walk around the historic Durbar Square destroyed by the earthquake on 25 April in Katmandu, the capital of Nepal. On 27 April 2015 in Nepal, relief operations continue in the aftermath of the massive 7.9 magnitude earthquake that hit the country on 25 April. The quake’s epicentre was 80 kilometres from Kathmandu, the capital. The Government has declared a state of emergency in 35 affected districts in the country, where more than 1.3 million people – over half of whom are children – have been affected. More than 5,000 people have been estimated killed and 50,000 have been injured. Homes and vital infrastructure, including hospitals, have been severely damaged or destroyed, leaving thousands of children and families homeless, vulnerable and in urgent need of food, shelter, safe water, and sanitation and health support. Most of the displaced are sheltering in camps or in available open spaces. The situation has been continuing powerful aftershocks that have caused additional damage. Working with the Government and other partners, including fellow United Nations organizations, UNICEF is supporting water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), health, nutrition, child protection, and education interventions. In response to the disaster, UNICEF is providing hospitals tents, tarpaulin sheeting, emergency medical kits, vaccines and related supplies, zinc and oral rehydration salts to prevent diarrhoeal disease outeaks, and temporary learning spaces and psychosocial counselling for children. UNICEF is also procuring emergency health kits, and is supporting water trucking services in camps for the displaced.
© UNICEF/NYHQ2015-1040/Nybo
尼泊爾政府宣佈35個受災地區全部進入緊急狀態。UNICEF派出的3支隊伍已抵達巴克塔布(Bhatkapur)、加德滿都(Kathmandu Valley)及勒利德布爾(Lalitpur)評估災情。大部分流離失所的災民都在臨時營地露宿,面對嚴峻的住宿、食水及個人衞生問題。UNICEF與伙伴共同領導食水、個人及環境衞生、教育及營養專責小組,結合國際力量,應付尼泊爾的緊急情況。
災後特別容易爆發疫症,在臨時營地風險更高,加德滿都已出現集體腹瀉個案。為避免兒童感染腹瀉等疾病,UNICEF與政府及合作伙伴除了竭力確保兒童獲得食水及個人衞生相關的關鍵資訊,並已準備各類疫苗,尤其是麻疹疫苗,預防疫症隨時爆發;UNICEF亦為加德滿都全市共16個營地提供水車,供應清潔食水。另外,UNICEF亦正在當地採購更多食水及個人衞生物資,並從境外緊急增置帳幕、防水帆布、針劑麻疹疫苗及急救包等物資,應付與日俱增的需求。 DENMARK, COPENHAGEN 27 April 2015 Within hours after an earthquake of 7.9 magnitude struck Nepal on Saturday, 25 April 2015 , UNICEF Supply leapt into action, packing medical supplies, hospital equipment, tents and water and sanitation items and other life-saving supplies for hospitals and communities. Supplies were readied by Sunday night at UNICEF’s global warehouse hub in Copenhagen, and destined on both commercial and charter flights throughout the week to come. Aid is also being prepared for shipment from UNICEF’s warehouse in Dubai. UNICEF’s supply response is supported by logistics staff who have been deployed as part of the immediate response team. It is the worst earthquake to hit Nepal in 80 years and by the end of the weekend, the death toll had exceeded 3,000.
© UNICEF/DENM2015-00188/Thoby
聯合國兒童基金香港委員會(UNICEF HK)主席陳晴女士呼籲公眾捐款,支援UNICEF在尼泊爾的救援行動:「UNICEF HK短短數日已獲得不少善心捐款人的慷慨支持,籌得善款超過港幣200萬元。然而,受災兒童已增至300萬,我們需要更多公眾支持及捐款方能應付當地的急增人道救援需求。請與UNICEF攜手,保護受災兒童,防範疫症爆發!」
網上捐款: /donate
直接銀行存款: 匯豐銀行:567-354014-005
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高級傳訊主任黃穎祺(Jamie Wong)
電話:2836 2967 / 6149 3378

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For more information please contact:
Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF
Jamie Wong, Communication Specialist
Tel / Mobile: 2836 2967 / 6149 3378