



该份报告名为《儿童遇溺:亚洲低至中收入国家新近发现的儿童夭折成因证明》(Child Drowning: Evidence for a newly recognized cause of child mortality in low and middle income countries in Asia,一共调查了4个国家(孟加拉、柬埔寨、越南及泰国)和两个中国省份(北京及江西)。

UNICEF中国大使张曼玉早前亲访江西, 了解当地儿童死于溺水及其他伤害的状况。
「长久以来,遇溺一直都是儿童的隐形杀手,」UNICEF研究办公室主任戈登.亚歷山大(Gordon Alexander)先生表示:「过往30年,各国持续推行强而有效的措施,致力打击传染性疾病,然而在减少溺毙个案方面却丝毫沒有进展。这正好解释了为甚么遇溺会成为报告中受访国家儿童(1岁后)的主要死亡原因。但是,儿童遇溺仍然未得到政府关注。」


A boy trips off the edge of a boat in Buriganga River near Sadarghat Ferry Terminal in Old Dhaka. It is common for children to drown due to unforeseen accidents.

  1. 让儿童上村内托儿所,给予适当的监管,可减少逾80%溺毙个案。
  2. 4岁或以上的儿童参与游泳及拯溺训练课程(SwimSafe)后,有关的溺水死亡率大跌逾90%
.As drowning, or near-drowning, is a major preventable injury of children, with support from UNICEF, a local trainer of the Centre for Injury Prevention & Research, Bangladesh in Raiganj thana under Sirajganj district is teaching children to swim
As drowning, or near-drowning, is a major preventable injury of children, with support from UNICEF, a local trainer of the Centre for Injury Prevention & Research, Bangladesh in Raiganj thana under Sirajganj district is teaching children to swim


To inform, and educate, the mothers of Raiganj thana under Sirajganj district are seen participating in a Mother's Meeting under the Community Awareness Activities of the Centre for Injury Prevention & Research, Bangladesh. One of the main reasons for drowning among children has been identified as unattended children, of which mothers are made aware of during these meetings.



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