


美國紐約/香港,2014年1月7日——隨著敘利亞危機戰火持續到第四年,一整代兒童的命運不斷被暴力、流離失所、失去發展機會等因素威脅 —— 他們可能因此永遠「消失」。這更會為阿拉伯敘利亞共和國及其他地區帶來深遠的影響。


On 16 November, displaced children participating in UNICEF-supported psychosocial activities play tug of war, in a shelter in the city of Homs, capital of Homs Governorate. The humanitarian situation throughout Homs continues to deteriorate, with many areas experiencing daily shelling and fighting. On 16 November 2013 in the Syrian Arab Republic, 9.3 million people have been affected by the escalating conflict. Of these, 6.5 million people – over 2.9 million of them children – have been internally displaced. Syrians have also fled aoad, with more than 2.2 million people registered or awaiting registration with the United Nations High Commission for Refugees in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey. Ongoing UNICEF initiatives inside the Syrian Arab Republic include the distribution of school bags with supplies to over 600,000 children; programmes in water, sanitation and hygiene; supporting the Ministry of Health in reaching children with medical check-ups and primary health care services via mobile medical teams and fixed centres; and the provision of psychosocial support services that are reaching more than 110,100 children. Following the confirmation of 13 cases of wild polio virus in the country, more than 1.2 million children have been vaccinated against the disease as part of an ongoing nationwide immunization campaign led by the Ministry of Health in coordination with UNICEF and the World Health Organization. Working with diverse governments, partners and other United Nations agencies, UNICEF has appealed for a total of US$470.65 million to cover responses within the Syrian Arab Republic and all host countries. By 14 November, nearly 87 per cent had been funded.
© UNICEF/NYHQ2013-1053/Halabi
在「不要失去一代」運動中,聯合國兒童基金會(UNICEF)及其合作伙伴正調動全球資源保護這些兒童的未來。我們正同心協力,擴大學習和心理支援,加強社會凝聚力及建設社會 —— 一切都是為「未來」重建希望。
保護兒童免受暴力、虐待及剝削等侵害,教導並增強他們的適應力,治療他們掩蓋的創傷及提供支持 —— 都是為敘利亞兒童、他們的家庭及社會創造一個更好的未來。#ChildrenofSyria