
(只有英文) 聯合國兒童基金會執行主任安東尼‧雷克就敘利亞西北部伊德利卜學校受襲發表聲明



NEW YORK/AMMAN/HONG KONG, 26 October 2016 “Twenty-two children and six teachers were reportedly murdered today when their school compound was repeatedly attacked in Idlib, Syria. 

“This is a tragedy. It is an outrage. And if deliberate, it is a war crime.

“This latest atrocity may be the deadliest attack on a school since the war began more than five years ago. 

“Children lost forever to their families … teachers lost forever to their students … one more scar on Syria’s future. 

“When will the world’s revulsion at such barbarity be matched by insistence that this must stop?”
