


紐約/香港,2015年9月3日– 在歐洲,有兒童遇難,屍體被沖到海灘上,有孩子在過境途中,於車內窒息死亡,還有父母絕望地將兒童遺體遞過鐵絲網……這些景像都令人心碎。

On 26 August, a distressed child rests over the shoulder of the man carrying him, in the town of Gevgelija, on the border with Greece. Uniformed officers from the special police forces of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia stand nearby. In late August 2015 in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, more than 52,000 people have been registered at the border by police in the town of Gevgelija, after entering from Greece, since June 2015. Since July 2015, the rate of refugees and migrants transiting through the country has increased to approximately 2,000 to 3000 people per day. Women and children now account for nearly one third of arrivals. An estimated 12 per cent of the women are pregnant. Many are escaping conflict and insecurity in their home countries of Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and the Syrian Arab Republic. There are children of all ages traveling with their families. Some are unaccompanied minors aged 16–18 years who are traveling in groups with friends. They are arriving in the country from Greece, transiting to Serbia and further to Hungary, from where they generally aim to reach other countries in the European Union.
© UNICEF/NYHQ2015-2065/Georgiev
隨着歐洲移民和難民危機惡化,更多震驚世界的畫面將在全球社交媒體、電視新聞和報紙頭條上出現。 然而,單單令世界為此震驚是不夠的,我們必須立即採取行動。 這些兒童所面臨的困境不是他們的選擇,也不是他們可以控制。他們需要受到保護。他們也有權利受到保護。

1. 在任何時候,都應為這些兒童提供必需的基本服務,包括醫療衞生、食物、心理支援和教育,並為移民和難民提供足夠的容身之所,讓兒童能與家人一起生活。

2. 派遣足夠的兒童福利專家,幫助這些兒童及家庭。

3. 不僅要在海上,也要在陸上展開移民和難民搜救行動,盡一切努力,保護移民和難民兒童免遭虐待和剝削。

4. 在處理尋求庇護等與兒童相關的問題上,要優先考慮兒童的最大利益。




