
敘利亞難民兒童「接管」UNICEF Twitter帳戶 講述他們充滿力量的故事


On 26 November 2013 in Jordan, Ahmed pushes his daughter Safa, 6, to school in a wheelchair, in the Za’atari refugee camp, in Mafraq Governorate, near the Syrian border. Two of Safa’s sisters are nearby. After the family’s home in the Syrian city of Aleppo was destroyed, Safa, her parents, grandmother and five siblings fled to rural Damascus. While sheltering in an abandoned farmhouse, the family was caught in an attack that left Safa gravely injured – she lost her right leg and suffered burns and shrapnel wounds. She and her family now live in Za’atari, where Safa attends school in the mornings, goes to a child-friendly space in the afternoons and also regularly receives physiotherapy. “I love my girls so much,” says Ahmed. “I’m not with any side. What’s the fault of our daughters? They’re not guilty. Why would this happen?” As the Syrian crisis enters its fourth year, needs are escalating at an increasingly urgent pace, with children bearing the greatest toll. Since March 2011, over 7,000 children have lost their lives in the violence, while hundreds of thousands have been wounded, some of whom must now live with life-long disabilities caused by their injuries. By mid-December 2013, the conflict had left 6.5 million people displaced internally. They are among 9.3 million people inside the country in need of humanitarian assistance, of whom 46 per cent are children. Fighting has also forced over 2.2 million people to seek refuge aoad. The majority have fled to Egypt (130,524 refugees); Iraq (210,612); Jordan (568,501); Lebanon (787,886); and Turkey (553,281). The decimation of medical facilities, immunization and cold chain systems, and water, sanitation and hygiene infrastructure has jeopardized children’s health and markedly increased their vulnerability to diseases, which spread with greater ease amid mass population movements. In October 2013, cases of wild poliovirus were identified in the Syrian Arab Republic, where the disease ha
© UNICEF/NYHQ2013-1390/Noorani


在今晚(930日晚),聯合國兒童基金會(UNICEF會將官方的Twitter頻道,交予四名敘利亞的兒童。他們分別是1417歲,現在住在土耳其、約旦和奧地利的YoussefOmaymahAnhalHanin 。他們將會用一個小時分享他們的故事,亦希望呼籲Twitter的用戶能關注敘利亞衝突對上百萬兒童的生命的影響。

今次UNICEF twitter專頁「接管」活動,與聯合國一場關於難民與移民流向的討論於同日舉行──我們希望有力量的人可聽到這些兒童的聲音,作出最後的改變。


今晚香港時間8時至凌晨2時,每個參與的兒童會被給予UNICEF Twitter專頁的控制權,你可以透過follow UNICEF的官方twitter專頁,或follow #youthtakeover#refugeecrisishashtags,看到他們自白(你毋須擁有twitter帳戶,也可follow上述的hashtags)。



誰在930日「接管」UNICEF Twitter帳戶?

在土耳其生活的Youssef (17) Youssef跟他的母親和兩位兄弟,與兩年前離開敘利亞。他們乘搭巴士從敘利亞阿勒坡到土耳其,路上一直害怕會被攻擊。甫抵達土耳其,Youssef馬上與他的弟弟和親戚尋找工作,並成功受聘於一家建築公司。Youssef以前每天工作11小時,現在已入學。雖然讀書對他來說十分重要,但他在放學以後仍然繼續工作直至深夜10時。在敘利亞時,他一直夢想着要創立一家科技公司,但現在他一心要重建家園。他認為,來自敘利亞的兒童都樂於工作和學習,並需要這些機會。
在約旦雅達利難民營 (Za’ Atari camp)生活的Omaymah (14歲)
Omaymah201212月由敘利亞德拉馬哈扎村 (Mahajah) 到達難民營。幾乎每一天,Omaymah居住的村落都會被炸彈襲擊,因此她和雙親及四個兄弟離開敘利亞。在往約旦的途中,他們所乘坐的巴士遭到襲擊,幸而最終平安到埗。在Omaymah抵達雅達利難民營時,本來以為他們不會逗留太長時間,而她有些表兄弟姊妹早已在難民營,因此Omaymah很容易就結識到新朋友。最後,她選擇入學並就讀於UNICEF支持的學校,八年級的她最喜歡科學。她相信教育可以成就一個女孩的未來,而且她堅決反對早婚。在閒餘時間,她喜愛畫畫和探望朋友,但由於要做家務如煮食,她沒有太多空餘時間。
在約旦雅達利難民營 (Za’ Atari camp)生活的Anhal (16歲)

在奧地利生活的Hanin (16歲)