


日内瓦/香港,2014年2月21日 —— 联合国儿童基金会(UNICEF)今天发出唿吁,筹集约港币172亿(22亿美元)善款,以在2014年向50个国家受暴力冲突、天灾及综合危急事件中的8,500万人,包括5,900万名儿童提供人道援助。
On 21 Feuary 2014, Ted Chaiban, UNICEF's Director of Emergency Programmes, speaks at the press iefing launching UNICEF's Launch of Humanitarian Action for Children 2014 at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. The appeal highlights the daily challenges faced by children in humanitarian crises, the support required to help them survive and thrive, and the results that are possible even in the most difficult circumstances. UNICEF appealed for almost US$2.2 billion to provide life-saving humanitarian assistance in 2014 to 85 million people, including 59 million children, who face conflict, natural disasters and other complex emergencies in 50 countries.
2014年2月21日,UNICEF紧急项目主任特德.柴班(Ted Chaiban)在瑞士日内瓦万国宫,就针对儿童的人道主义行动2014发表讲话。
「我刚从南苏丹回来,那里最近爆发的大规模冲突已夺去了数百万名无辜儿童的生命,令超过40万名儿童及其家庭无家可归、超过320万人需要人道援助。雨季即将来临,我们必需提早准备救援物资和加强基本服务。据此,我们需要筹募紧急援助基金,防止大灾难的爆发。」UNICEF紧急项目主任特德.柴班(Ted Chaiban)说。



On 15 December, (right) UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake administers a dose of oral polio vaccine to 2-month-old Winnoa Mae Oliva, who is being held by her mother, at the Rural Health Unit Office in the town of Guiuan in Eastern Samar Province, Eastern Visayas Region. Guiuan is among the areas worst affected by Typhoon Haiyan. UNICEF is working to re-establish the cold chain to deliver vaccines to more than 1 million children in typhoon-affected areas. In mid-December 2013, UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake visited the Philippines, where government-led recovery and relief operations continue in the wake of the devastation caused by Typhoon Haiyan, which struck the country on 8 November. Some 14 million people – including 4 million who are displaced – have been affected by the storm, one of the strongest ever to make landfall. The storm (known locally as Yolanda) also destroyed homes, schools, hospitals, roads, communications and other basic infrastructure, and damaged power and water supply systems. Mr. Lake met with schoolchildren and with displaced people sheltering in an informal ‘tent city’ and also participated in a mass national campaign to immunize typhoon- affected children against measles and polio. Children are also receiving vitamin A to help boost their immunity during the campaign, which is supported by the World Health Organization, UNICEF and other partners. Mr. Lake also visited a UNICEF-supported child-friendly space providing psychosocial assistance for children traumatized by the disaster and a UNICEF warehouse serving as a distribution hub for supplies to affected areas. UNICEF has appealed for US $61.5 million for its typhoon response – including programmes in water, sanitation and hygiene, child protection, nutrition, health and education – through May 2014.
2014年所筹集的善款将可巩固UNICEF 2013年的工作成果,包括:
• 为2,450万名儿童接种麻疹疫苗;
• 近2,000万人获得安全的饮用、煮食及生活用水;
• 270万名儿童获得接受改善教育的机会,包括正式和非正式的教育;
• 190万名患有严重急性营养不良的儿童获得治疗;

• 93.5万名儿童获得心理支持。

