


紐約/香港2014年3月21日 ——聯合國兒童基金會(UNICEF)在「世界水日」表示,雖然全球安全食水情況在約4年前已達到「千禧發展目標」(MDG),而聯合國大會亦宣佈水是人權之一,但現時全球仍有超過7.5億人無法取得這項生活基本及必需品,當中大多是貧窮戶。
On 26 November, children – bearing jerrycans and other containers – collect water from Lake Kivu, in the city of Goma, in the province of North Kivu. Access to safe water is limited because electrical lines have been cut, reducing water pumping and chlorination. By late November 2012 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, children and women continued to suffer from resurgent conflict between government forces and rebel groups. After a three-month ceasefire, violence erupted on 15 November in and around the city of Goma, in the province of North Kivu, following advances by the 23 March Movement (M23) rebel group. Security is still critical. The latest crisis affected at least 70,000 children, of whom over 670 are unaccompanied or have been separated from their families. In Goma and surrounding areas, an estimated 130,000 people have been displaced; they are among over 900,000 displaced in the province. Recruitment of children into armed groups, lootings, and summary executions have also been reported. Gender-based violence, including rape and sexual assault, which has been endemic to this conflict for more than a decade, continues. Additionally, hundreds of schools have been looted or damaged since September. UNICEF, in coordination with other partners, supports ongoing relief efforts in the areas of water, sanitation and hygiene, education, child protection, health and nutrition and the provision of critical non-food items and shelter. To meet the immediate and medium-term needs of affected children and women over the next three months, UNICEF has requested an initial US$13.8 million, of which over 55 per cent had been received by 5 December.
© UNICEF/NYHQ2012-1615/Holt
2012年11月26日 —— 在剛果民主共和國基伍省北部的戈馬湖,兒童正用水桶及各種器皿獲取食水。
「每一名兒童,不論貧富,都應享有生存、健康成長以及擁抱將來的權利。」UNICEF全球食水、環境及個人衞生項目負責人桑傑.韋傑塞克若(Sanjay Wijesekera)表示:「在所有人享有食水及衞生設施等權利前,我們的工作都不會停止。」