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Children affected by Nepal earthquake increased to nearly 3 million. UNICEF is on the ground to prevent potential measles outbreak


HONG KONG, 28 April 2015 — Number of children affected by Nepal earthquake increased to 2.8 million, accounting for 40 per cent of the 7 million affected populations. As millions of people spent their fourth nights outdoor fearing of aftershocks, outeak of disease in the temporary camps is a grave concern, there is potential measles outeak, after diarrhea reported to be an issue in Kathmandu Valley. UNICEF teams are on the ground, readying Measles Rubella vaccines and providing water truck services to prevent potential disease outeaks. More public donation is required to meet the evolving need of affected children.
© UNICEF/NYHQ2015-1040/Nybo
The government of Nepal has declared a state of emergency in 35 affected districts. Three UNICEF teams have arrived Bhatkapur, Kathmandu Valley and Lalitpur to assess the situation. Most of the displaced people are currently in camp settings. Shelter, water sanitation and hygiene (WASH) are serious issues. UNICEF is co-leading the WASH, Education and Nutrition Clusters to join international efforts together, to response to the situation in Nepal.
Post-earthquake disease outeaks, especially in temporary camp settings, are a grave concern - diarrhea is already an issue in Kathmandu Valley. UNICEF is working with the government and partners to ensure children receive critical WASH-related information to prevent child illness especially diarrhea. Vaccines are stored properly and made available to prevent potential outeaks, especially Measles Rubella vaccine, while water truck services are provided to all 16 camps across Kathmandu Valley. More water sanitation items are being procured locally, while more tents, tarpaulins, Measles Rubella vaccines with syringes as well as emergency medical kits are being urgently procured offshore, to meet the evolving need.
© UNICEF/DENM2015-00188/Thoby
Ms Judy Chen, Chairman of the Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF (UNICEF HK) calls for public donations to support UNICEF’s relief work in Nepal, "UNICEF HK has received over HK$2 million from our donors in just few days, but much more support from the public is required to ensure the needs of affected are met - affected children has been increased to nearly 3 million already. Join us, to protect Nepali children, to prevent diseases outeaks from happening.”
To help children and families affected by the earthquake in Nepal, please make online donation at
Donation for Nepal Earthquake
Online donation: /donate
Direct Bank-in: HSBC: 567-354014-005
Bank of China: 012-875-0-021868-3
Wing Lung Bank: 020-601-003-7634-8
Bank of East Asia: 015-260-81-012100
Hotline: 2833 6139
(In the unusual event that donations for Nepal Earthquake exceed the needs, we will direct your gift to disaster or emergency relief actions elsewhere.)
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