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Haiti Classified As ‘In Crisis’


5 Feuary 2010

Haiti Classified As ‘In Crisis’

UNICEF Launches HKD 9.3 Billion Appeal for Global Emergency Assistance

GENEVA, Hong Kong (5 Feuary 2010) - As global attention focuses on efforts to provide life-saving support to the people of Haiti, UNICEF today released its Humanitarian Action Report (HAR) 2010. This annual report spotlights the most severe crises impacting children and women around the world and includes an appeal for additional assistance.

Every year, UNICEF responds to 200 emergencies all over the world.  The Humanitarian Action Report 2010 examines the most severe crises, those that require exceptional support.

This year’s report highlights the situation of children and women in 28 countries and territories that have been identified as being in the most desperate need, and seeks HKD 9.3 billion to help them. HAR 2010 emphasizes the increasing importance of partnerships to meet the needs of children and families affected.

The 28 countries and territories are included in the report on the basis of the scale and chronic or protracted nature of the crisis, the severity of its impact on children and women, and the potential to ing about life-saving results. In these cases, urgent action is imperative to save lives, ensure access to safe water, adequate sanitation and hygiene, health, nutrition and to protect children against the worst forms of violence and abuse, and to provide children with education - even under the worst of circumstances.

“Haiti was one of the countries UNICEF classified as ‘in crisis’ when the Humanitarian Action Report went to press, even before the earthquake hit,” said Hilde F. Johnson, UNICEF Deputy Executive Director. “Faced with multiple hurricanes, in addition to civil unrest, the country was still in need of humanitarian assistance.”

UNICEF kickstarted a major immunization campaign for 500,000 children aged below seven this week. Children aged below seven will be immunized against measles, rubella, diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough.  UNICEF has been working with partners in the field to ensure access to clean water and sanitation, provide education to restore normalcy of children and build shelters to ensure safety for children since the disaster struck Haiti on 12 January.  Haiti is still urgently in need of funds to support the ongoing rebuild work.  Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF continues its appeal for funds from the general public to help Haiti.

28 countries and territories identified as “In Crisis”

東非及南部非洲 (Eastern and Southern Africa)
•    蒲隆地 (Burundi)
•    厄立特里亞 (Eritrea)
•    埃塞俄比亞 (Ethiopia)
•    肯亞 (Kenya)
•    馬達加斯加 (Madagascar)
•    索馬利亞(Somalia)
•    烏干達 (Uganda)
•    津巴布韋 (Zimbabwe)西非及中非(West and Central Africa)
•    中非共和國(Central Africa Republic)
•    查德 (Chad)
•    剛果民主共和國 (DR Congo)
•    幾內亞 (Guinea)
•    毛里塔尼亞 (Mauritania)
•    尼日爾 (Niger)

亞洲及太平洋(Asia and the Pacific)
•    阿富汗 (Afghanistan)
•    北韓 (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea)
•    緬甸 (Myanmar)
•    尼泊爾 (Nepal)
•    巴基斯坦 (Pakistan)
•    菲律賓 (Philippines)
•    斯里蘭卡 (Sri Lanka)中東和北非(Middle East and North Africa)
•    伊拉克 (Iraq)
•    巴勒斯坦佔領區(Occupied Palestinian Territories)
•    蘇丹(Sudan)
•    也門 (Yemen)

美洲及加勒比海(The Americas and Caribbean)
•    哥倫比亞 (Colombia)
•    海地 (Haiti) 中歐、東歐及獨立國家聯合體(Central and Eastern and the Commonwealth of Independent States)
•    塔吉克 (Tajikstan)

Photos can be downloaded:

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To read a full copy of the report, please visit:

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UNICEF is on the ground in over 150 countries and territories to help children survive and thrive, from early childhood through adolescence.  The world’s largest provider of vaccines for developing countries, UNICEF supports child health and nutrition, good water and sanitation, quality basic education for all boys and girls, and the protection of children from violence, exploitation, and AIDS.  UNICEF is funded entirely by the voluntary contributions of individuals, businesses, foundations and governments.

About UNICEF Haiti

UNICEF began operations in Haiti in 1949, and currently has 10 international staff and 34 national staff at its office in Port Au-Prince.

Donation to Haiti Earthquake

1. Donation Hotline             :     2833 6139 2. Direct Bank- in

Haiti Earthquake:  
HSBC: 567-354014-005
Bank of China: 012-875-0-021868-3
Wing Lung Bank: 020-601-003-7634-8
Bank of East Asia: 015-260-81-01210-0

3. Cheque: Payable to “Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF” (Please send us the cheque with personal details with remark “Haiti” at the back and send to “Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF, 3/F, 60 Blue Pool Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong.”)