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UNICEF HK allocated HK$1 million to help children affected by Ya’an earthquake


HONG KONG, 21 APRIL 2013— The earthquake at Ya’an, southwestern Sichuan provincewhich measured close to seven on the richter scale yesterday has led to over 180 persons died and thousands of injuries. According to local media reports 10 children are among the killed. Almost all buildings in the quake's epicenter - Longmen Township of Lushan County - have collapsed according to local authority. UNICEF expressed concern about the children affected by the disaster and is in contact with its local partners to assess the effect of the severe tremor on children. Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF (UNICEF HK) allocates HK$1 million from its emergency fund to support the relief work, and appeals for donations from Hong Kong community to help affected children and their families.
UNICEF is going to respond children’s needs in health, nutrition, education, water and sanitation. UNICEF expressed special concern about the physical and emotional condition of children living in the hardest hit areas, and is now closely monitoring the disaster's impact on children. UNICEF Child Friendly Spaces will be established at the affected area the soonest to help children recover from psycho social stress caused by the disaster.
UNICEF together with the National Working Committee on Children and Women set up a total of 40 Child Friendly Spaces in Sichuan after the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake to provide urgent community based services for vulnerable children. Some of these Child Friendly Spaces are located close to the affected area.
UNICEF HK allocated HK$1 million from its emergency fund to support the relief work, and appeals for donations from Hong Kong community to support the relief work.Ms Irene Chan, Chief Executive of UNICEF HK said, “We are very concerned about the physical and emotional condition of children, as children are especially vulnerable during emergencies. We hope Hong Kong public will join us to help the children of Ya’an to recover from the disaster as soon as possible, just as their generosity shown five years ago.”
Donation for Ya’an earthquake:
Online donation: /donate
Direct Bank- in: HSBC:567-354014-001 Bank of China:012-875-0-0218683 Wing Lung Bank:020-601-003-76348 Bank of East Asia:015-260-81-012100
Payable to ‘Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF’ (Please send us the cheque with filled donation form(download form) with remark ‘Sichuan Earthquake’ at the back, and send to ‘Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF, 3/F, 60 Blue Pool Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong.’)
PPS: Please use your contact number as the bill number. Press UNICEF merchant code: 6012, and then select bill type 3 “emergency”.
Hotline: 2833 6139
(In the unusual event that donations for Ya’an earthquake exceed the needs, we will direct your gift to disaster or emergency relief actions elsewhere.)
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