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UNICEF offers relief work and mobile outreach services for affected children in Ya’an Earthquake


HONG KONG, 1 May 2013 — The on-going relief work remains challenging after eleven days of the Ya’an Earthquake. UNICEF found half of the children in some communities are left behind and are in urgent needs of services. Apart from setting up more Child Friendly Spaces (CFS), UNICEF is also sending mobile outreach teams to remote areas to provide psychosocial and counseling services to affected children. By early this week, Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF (UNICEF HK) has raised HK$6.47 million to support the relief efforts.

The earthquake has led over 1.5 million people, including 26,000 children affected. UNICEF appeals for HK$10.15 million to take joint actions with local partners to provide immediate and mid-term support in child protection, maternal and child health, nutrition, hygiene and sanitation. Thanks to the generous support, UNICEF HK has so far raised HK$6.47 million by early this week.

The on-going relief work remains challenging after eleven days of the Ya’an Earthquake. According to the frontline UNICEF staff specialised in child protection, half of the children in some communities are left behind as their parents are migrant workers in other parts of the country, or are busy saving people, setting up tents and solving the problems of food and basic needs. They are unable to pay as much attention to children as they need to. With the interruption of classes and sudden change of the environment after the quake, children urgently need community-based services and psychosocial support.
UNICEF has immediately strengthened the establishment in Sichuan Earthquake and set up CFS in the quake-stricken areas. Through various activities such as recreation and art therapy, CFS provides psychosocial support to the affected children and their families. UNICEF is now working closely with the local government and its partners to identify a space for a tent-based temporary CFS to expand the service to more needy children.

For children and families living in the communities that are hard to reach, or those who cannot go to CFS, UNICEF and its partners are sending mobile outreach teams to visit them with easy-to-carry toys and props to help children. The teams will also offer psychosocial and counseling services, basic knowledge on hygiene and sanitation, along with ways to avoid injuries and to stay safe after the quake.

In addition to setting up CFS in the affected areas, UNICEF will also provide obstetric and neonatal health equipment to 34 local health facilities within this week, and conduct immunisation campaigns for the affected children with local partners. UNCEF will also deliver nutrition kits to health facilities, as well as provide basic health care services and mobile latrines etc.

A number of Hong Kong corporations have joined UNICEF’s efforts in the Ya’an relief. From now to 15 May, all donations collected from passengers on Cathay Pacific and Dragonair flights through the “Change for Good” inflight fundraising programme will be channeled to assist UNICEF's relief efforts in Ya’an. Donation boxes are placed in five hotels in Hong Kong under Regal Hotels International, Times Square, houseware retailer Pricerite, department store Sincere, garment manufacturer Mainetti HK, and insurance provider AON. Hong Kong Professional Teachers’ Union also invites schools, students and their parents to donate to Ya’an. Fund raised will be split equally among four NGOs including UNICEF HK.

As usual, UNICEF will spend all the donations to emergency relief with no amount deducted for administrative expense. We will also supervise materials delivery and conduct regular spot checks on the relevant facilities, to make sure every single cent is used to save and change children’s lives for the emergency relief.
Donation for Ya’an earthquake:

Online donation:
Direct Bank-in: HSBC: 567-354014-001 Bank of China: 012-875-0-0218683 Wing Lung Bank: 020-601-003-76348 Bank of East Asia: 015-260-81-012100
Cheque: Payable to ‘Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF’ (Please send us the cheque with filled donation form (download form) with remark ‘Sichuan’ at the back, and send to ‘Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF, 3/F, 60 Blue Pool Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong.’)
PPS: Please use your contact number as the bill number. Press UNICEF merchant code: 6012, and then select bill type 3 “emergency”.
Hotline: 2833 6139
(In the unusual event that donations for Ya’an earthquake exceed the needs, we will direct your gift to disaster or emergency relief actions elsewhere.)
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