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UNICEF X TSL Charity Fundraising Campaign


UNICEF and TSL launched a Charity Fundraising Campaign at Telford Plaza on 30 September 2011 (Friday). Ms Charlie Young, Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF (HKCU) Ambassador; Ms Crystal Wong, Event Ambassador; Dr. Maggie Koong, HKCU Council Member; and Mr. Ricky Ng, General Manager of TSL were invited to attend the kick-off ceremony, promoting the message of preventing Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV and urging the public to actively support this charity campaign for UNICEF’s "Unite for ChildrenUnite against AIDS” Global Campaign.


The officiating guests, Ms Charlie Young, Ms Crystal Wong, Dr. Maggie Koong and Mr Ricky Ng, cast the paper stars into a heart-shaped box, indicating their infinite love to be sent over to the children and mothers who are affected by HIV/AIDs and joining hands together to combat HIV/AIDs. We all know prevention is better than cure. An HIV test is the essential first step in identifying a HIV-positive expectant mother and preventing the transmission of the virus to the baby. If a mother knows she is carrying the virus, she can be given essential medication and care to help prevent the transmission of the virus to the baby.

“According to UNAIDS, each day more than 1,000 infants are infected with HIV during pregnancy, delivery or while being eastfed. Without proper treatment, at least half of these babies will die before their second birthday. This is a situation that ooks no delay and let’s support the UNICEF X TSL Charity Fundraising Campaign to help children impacted by HIV/AIDS,” urged Charlie.
Responding the call to end the HIV/AIDs pandemic, TSL has promptly made a generous donation of HK$350,000 to kick off the UNICEF X TSL Charity Campaign, which will be held from now on to 31 October 2011. In this period, for every jewel item you purchase at any TSL store in Hong Kong or Macau, TSL will donate a designated amount to UNICEF accordingly to help stop the spread of HIV. All the funds raised will be channeled to UNICEF’s "Unite for ChildrenUnite against AIDS” Global Campaign for the purchase of “HIV Test Kits”.