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'Unite for Children – HKCU 25th Anniversary Charity Concert' successfully completed Funds raised to support UNICEF’s front-line work


HONG KONG, 8 August 2011 – To celeate its 25th anniversary this year, Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF (HKCU), with the generous support of Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. Hong Kong Branch and Tencent Holdings Ltd, has successfully held 'Unite for Children – HKCU 25th Anniversary Charity Concert' yesterday (7 August 2011) at the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre.

UNICEF Goodwill Ambassadors, Mr Leon Lai and Mr Lang Lang, along with other ambassadors of HKCU: Ms Miriam Yeung, Mr Xiao-ming Huang, Ms Gigi Leung, Ms Charlie Young, Mr Eric Suen, famous pop singer Ms Fiona Sit and Tom Lee Vocal Ensemble Group have given impressive performances to express gratitude to the general public, for supporting UNICEF’s work on helping children and women to survive and thrive across over 150 developing countries and territories, as well as the local fundraising and advocacy activities of HKCU.

Those who would like to recall the moments of the charity concert can visit for photos and descriptions. The co-organiser of this concert, NOW TV, will produce a one-hour programme to be oadcast and rerun on its latest entertainment channel, NOW 102 Star Search Channel, from 22 September 2011. Phoenix TV will then release highlights of the charity concert to Chinese over the world. HKCU wishes the public could donate to support UNICEF’s programmes, while enjoying the show.

Funds raised in the concert will be allocated to UNICEF’s front-line work, including the recent life-saving operation in the Horn of Africa drought crisis and the earthquake restoration work in Yushu, Qinghai.


Ms Judy Chen, the Chairman of the Hong Kong Committee said about the theme ‘We Believe’ in the opening ceremony, “We believe every child everywhere has the rights to survival, development, protection and participation. We believe we can make things happen for the well-being of children around the world. Because ‘We Believe’, UNICEF has been the world’s leader for children and the key driving force for the realisation of children’s rights since its establishment in 1946.”

The Council Members of HKCU, including the Chairman of HKCU, Ms Judy Chen (right 5), Honorary Council Members Ms Rosanna Wong (right 4), as well as Mr C.Y. Leung, have attended the charity concert.

Ms Xiao-fei Wang, a Guizhou girl who is benefited from UNICEF assistance, has sung You wouldn’t be lonely with UNICEF Goodwill Ambassadors heading in Hong Kong Mr Leon Lai, with the accompaniment of Mr Lang Lang, to share the belief that children everywhere can be well-protected, and live a happy life without loneliness, with the support of UNICEF.

“Music is as same as love - it is a common language, regardless of regions, nationalities and races.” says Mr Lang Lang, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador in Hong Kong. At the night, he has joined hands with young pianist Mr Li Zong Xin, to deliver a performance with love.

The charity concert is ended with a high note – We are the World sung by ambassadors of HKCU, Mr Xiao-ming Huang, Ms Gigi Leung, all the honorable guests and council members, with the accompaniment by Mr Lang Lang.