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HKCU ramps up responses for psychosocial support to Japan’s Children Building a true haven for children affected


Hong Kong, 21 March 2011 –The Japan Committee for UNICEF (JCU) has immediately provided targeted assistance, especially to children, on the ground through its network of partners and local partners in the aftermath of Japan’s triple catastrophe. According to JCU, disaster-affected children are in great need of psychosocial care. Child protection and health specialists from UNCIEF have been deployed to Japan while the Hong Kong Committee for UNCIEF (HKCU) has launched an appeal to assist in this critical phase of therelief operation. Funds raised for the relief efforts will go to building a child-friendly space and providing other child protection, education and psycho-social support through JCU.

A UNICEF field team were deployed to the affected prefectures last week in order to conduct an initial assessment and make critical decisions for the initial response, while UNICEF expertises in health, child protection and logistics from different country offices have been deployed to Japan to assist the relief operation. As of yesterday, 20 March 2011, half a million are living in evacuation centres. Among the evacuees, many children were unable to attend of their graduation ceremonies held in the affected areas yesterday.

Many disaster affected children are expected to be in great need of psychosocial careafter the traumatic experience in which they lost their family, friends, homes and learning opportunities. After discussion with local education department, JCU has decided to set up Child-Friendly Spaces (CFS) to provide psychosocial support to children and their families through supplies such as school-in-a-box, recreation kits, Early Childhood Development kits. 10-20 sets of each kit and bulks of visibility materials will arrive at Narita Airport from Copenhagen Supply Division tomorrow afternoon and be distributed to shelters on 23 and 24 March. JCU Staff andUNICEF’s Chief of Health from Somalia will meet with the education focal point at the Miyagi Prefectural Government to consult and assess the framework ofcooperation today.

On last Friday, JCU sent 2 trucks loaded with 13 tonnes of water each to distribution centre in Miyagi Prefecture, while another 10 tonnes of water will arrive at the evacuation centres in Sendai and Miyagi today. Local populations in Japan are facing snow, rain and extraordinarily cold weather currently, many of which lack adequate clothing, blankets and heating. Essential supplies such as underwear, sanitary napkins, school bags, stationary and shoes are also in great need. 80 packs of diapers, 200,000 pieces of children’s under-wears will be distributed to all evacuation centres in Miyagi.

“Hong Kong Committee for UNCIEF is working closely with JCU. According to colleagues from JCU, they have already raised 350million Japanese Yen for supporting the relief operation up until last Saturday (19 March). HKCU is going to ramp up responses to provide more support in children’s protection and psychosocial care,” said Ms Irene Chan, Chief Executive of Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF. “I hope Hong Kong people would all pass their blessings and contribute in building a haven for children affected in this triple catastrophe.”
The massive earthquake, tsunami and the nuclear crisis have claimed thousands of lives and caused damage on a massive scale. In all emergencies of such devastating magnitude, children are the most vulnerable. UNCEF offers support in the form of solidarity with the people of Japan in the aftermath of the unprecedented triple disaster.

Please donate now, to help UNICEF provide support to children coping with triple disaster!

Donation for Japan Emergency Relief:
1. Online donation

2. Direct Bank- in

Japan Emergency
HSBC : 567-354014-004
Bank of China : 012-875-1-0810855
Wing Lung Bank : 020-601-003-7634-8
Bank of East Asia : 015-260-81-01210-0

3. Cheque: Payable to “Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF” (Please send us the cheque with personal details with remark “Japan” at the back and send to “Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF, 3/F, 60 Blue Pool Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong.)
4. PPS: Please use your contact number as the bill number. Entre UNICEF merchant code: 6012, and then select bill type 3 “emergency”.
(In the unusual event that donations to Japan exceed the needs, we will direct your gift to children in greatest need elsewhere.)