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Nearly 3 million children require urgent humanitarian assistance after Nepal earthquakeUNICEF HK appeals for public support to mobilize urgent response


© UNICEF/UNI183421/Nybo

HONG KONG, 27 April 2015 — At least 2.8 million children living in districts affected by Saturday's earthquake in Nepal are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance. The earthquake followed by nearly 60 aftershocks, caused vast devastation across much of the country. UNICEF is readying 120 tonnes of humanitarian supplies for urgent airlift to Kathmandu and providing water truck services to all 16 camps across Kathmandu Valley, and also 20 UNICEF Water Sanitation specialists were deployed to provide crucial technical assistance. More public donation is required to meet the evolving need.

© UNICEF/UNI183420/Nybo

It is again a sleepless night for most people in Kathmandu as aftershocks continues, with some of them 6.7 on the Richter scale. “Sleep does not come easily when the earth shakes violently every now and then. Sometimes it starts with a gentle rocking, followed by the strange noises that homes make when an earthquake rolls in. At other times, we feel violent shakes that seem capable of uprooting the house, trees, anything,” said 57-year-old Ms Rupa Joshi, UNICEF Communication Specialist in Nepal.

Hundreds of thousands of people spent the night sleeping in open areas, out of fear of more tremors. Post-earthquake diseases are a concern – diarrhea is already an issue in Kathmandu Valley. Heavy rain is now also reported which can further worsen the conditions. This crisis leaves children particularly vulnerable – limited access to safe water and sanitation will put children at great risk from waterborne diseases. There have been reports of dwindling supplies of water and food, power outages, and downed communication networks.

UNICEF is mobilizing staff and emergency supplies to meet the urgent humanitarian needs of children affected by the earthquake, focusing on water and sanitation, nutrition, education and child protection. Right now there are 20 UNICEF Water Sanitation specialists on the ground ready to provide crucial technical assistance. UNICEF is already providing water trucking services to all 16 camps across Kathmandu Valley, provision of oral rehydration salts and zinc supplements to people gathered in informal settlements, and providing tents for field medical facilities. UNICEF is loading two cargo flights with a combined 120 tonnes of humanitarian supplies including medical and hospital supplies, for urgent airlift to Kathmandu.

Ms Judy Chen, Chairman of the Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF (UNICEF HK) calls on public to give donation to meet the evolving need in Nepal, "After the donation appeal released on Saturday night, UNICEF HK received active response from our donors with nearly HK$900,000 raised to support UNICEF’s relief work in Nepal. UNICEF is working around the clock, mobilizing life-saving supplies. But many more support is needed. There are nearly 3 million children of Nepal need your help today more than ever. In a major emergency such as this one, every minute counts.”

© UNICEF/UNI183422/Nybo

To help children and families affected by the earthquake in Nepal, please make online donation at


Donation for Nepal Earthquake

Online donation:

Direct Bank-in:

HSBC: 567-354014-005

Bank of China: 012-875-0-021868-3

Wing Lung Bank: 020-601-003-7634-8

Bank of East Asia: 015-260-81-012100


2833 6139

(In the unusual event that donations for Nepal Earthquake exceed the needs, we will direct your gift to disaster or emergency relief actions elsewhere.)


Donate NOW to support Nepal Earthquake response



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—————————— For more information please contact:

Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF


Jamie Wong, Communication Specialist  

Tel / Mobile: 2836 2967 / 6149 3378