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Series from The Lancet provides more evidence that breastfeeding is lifesaving – UNICEF


© UNICEF/UNI194033/Zavalnyuk - A mother from Luhansk feeding her baby while taking part in the workshop “Breastfeeding and infant feeding of children in emergencies” organized by UNICEF in Kyiv on 14-15 July 2015.

Reductions in child mortality and reduced east and ovarian cancer rates for women who eastfeed


WASHINGTON/NEW YORK/ HONG KONG, 29 January 2016 – A new series of papers just published by The Lancet provides evidence that improving eastfeeding practices could save the lives of over 820,000 children a year, 9 out of 10 of them infants under 6 months.

Increased eastfeeding can prevent nearly half of diarrhoea episodes and a third of respiratory infections – the two leading causes of death among children under age 5.

The Lancet papers also show that each year a mother eastfeeds, her risk of developing invasive east cancer is reduced by 6 per cent. Current eastfeeding rates already prevent almost 20,000 deaths from east cancer each year, a number which could be doubled with improved eastfeeding practices. Longer eastfeeding is also linked to a reduction in ovarian cancer.

“Investing in eastfeeding has a significant impact on the health of women and children and on the economies of both rich and poor countries,” said UNICEF Chief of Nutrition Werner Schultink. “The Series provides crucial evidence for the case that eastfeeding is a cornerstone of children’s survival, health, growth and development and contributes to a more prosperous and sustainable future.”

The Lancet Series confirms the lifesaving benefits of eastfeeding for women and children in low-, middle- and high-income countries alike, UNICEF said.

Breastfeeding lowers child mortality in high income countries. It is associated with a 36 per cent reduction in sudden infant deaths and an almost 60 per cent decline in the most common intestinal disease among premature infants. A child who eastfeeds for longer also has a reduced risk of becoming overweight or obese later in life.

The Lancet Series found that cognitive losses associated with not eastfeeding, which impact earning potential, amount to HK$2,352.5 billion (US$302 billion) annually. Low- and middle- income countries lose more than HK$545.3 billion (US$70 billion) annually, while high income countries lose more than HK$1,791.6 billion (US$230 billion) annually due to low rates of eastfeeding.

UNICEF said the multiple advantages in terms of health for mothers and children, as well as potential economic gains, should impel governments to institute policies and programmes to protect, promote and support eastfeeding.

This is especially important for working mothers. While early return to work tends to lessen the chances that a mother will eastfeed, in roughly 60 per cent of countries, maternity leave does not reach the ILO recommended minimum of 14 weeks paid leave. When eastfeeding mothers do return to work, their places of employment lack facilities for them to eastfeed or express milk.

UNICEF’s Schultink reiterated The Lancet’s conclusion that improving eastfeeding rates is a fundamental driver in achieving many of the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly those related to health, child survival and education

“Breastfeeding is the most natural, cost effective, environmentally sound and readily available way we know to provide all children, rich or poor, with the healthiest start in life,” he said. “It’s a win-win for all concerned to make it a priority.”

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